~Still Holidays~

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"Excuse me Miss Potter? Your parents have ask me to come tell you to pack a bag and tell you that you and your family are staying at the Malfoy's for the rest of the holidays." My maid told me when I was doing my hair for the day.

"Okay, tell them I would be down in a second." She nodded and left my room, closing the door behind me. 

I finished doing my hair and makeup, putting my hair in a fishtail braid. I took out a duffle bag and looked through my closet for clothes to bring. Since we had a week left, I took 3 tops, 2 skirts, 3 jeans, 2 shorts, 1 pair of socks and 2 pairs of shoes. I got a hoodie and went downstairs. My parents often tell me to pack a bag whenever the others went to live with there biological dad and my parents had meetings.

 I had some clothes at the Malfoy Manor like it was my second home, I mean, it kind of is since my parents are usually busy with the ministry and I stay with the Malfoys. I got downstairs, dressed and ready to go. This was the first time that my siblings had to stay at the Malfoy's since their bio dad and his fiance is on a vacation.

They had their duffle bag laying on the floor while they were playing games on the couch. 

"Right kids, get your bags. We are going to the Malfoy's and meeting your aunt Lianna." Mum explained. 

We all got into the car and the chauffuer drove us to the Malfoy Manor. We got inside and my parents told me to lead my siblings upstairs since Hamish and Chris were sharing a spare room and Izzy was sleeping in mine.

I went upstairs and asked Izzy which side she wanted to sleep on. She asked me what I meant and I told her that there are 2 pull out beds under mine and they pull out on opposite sides so she chose the one that was higher and I pulled out the right side. I got out the pillows and blanket so she can make her bed while I did Rosie's holiday homework for her since I was bored. She didn't force me or anything, I suggested it since I haven't had muggle work in so long.

"Oh my darlings!!" I heard aunt Lianna yell from downstairs. I smiled at Izzy and she returned a small weak one. Aunt Lianna once accidently said infront of all of us that I was her favourite because I was tall, pretty and smart. I loved her as much as I loved my parents so she was like a second mother to my adopted mother. I went downstairs and gave her a hug and she hugged me back. 

"Oh my sweet Eleanor, how you've grown so much!" She uses my full name most of the time and would occasionally call me by my middle name, Monique.

Soon it was time for lunch but instead, Draco and I went to a muggle cafe with Daphne and Theo. They don't usually go to the muggle side of Wiltshire so I had to do the talking ordering. Daphne wanted to see muggle animals so we went to a zoo so Daphne could fulfill her dreams to do in the muggle world. 

We were in the reptile when I saw a grass snake. I admired it's beauty and how it moved.

"Hey there little one," The snake stopped and looked at me.

"You can speak parseltongue?" I stood back, a snake was talking to me? I thought I was dreaming for a second.

"Daphne, pinch me." I told her. She raised her eyebrows but did so.

"Oww," I grabbed my arm where she left a pinch mark, "I'm not dreaming ok."

I looked back at the snake and asked,

"How are you talking?"

"Because you can understand me,"

"What do you mean understand you? All snakes do is hiss." The snake leaned back like it was offended.

"To others I hiss but you speak parseltongue so you can understand me like I am speaking normal english."

"Elena, why are speaking in a weird voice?" Theo asked me.

"What? I'm not, I'm talking english." 

"No, you were hissing and making weird noises like you were talking to the snake." I looked at the snake. I was talking to it? 

"She's speaking parseltongue." I heard the snake say behind me but Theo didn't understand.

"Is parseltongue some kind of snake thing because I never learnt it." I said to the snake.

"See, you're doing it again!" The other two came over.

"He's right Elle, you're speaking parseltongue." Draco said to us. 

"The fuck is parseltongue?" I asked. 

I felt a buzzing in my pocket. It was my phone. Hello? 

"Dear, can you and your friends come home? We are planning to go to the Quidditch World Cup." My mum told me.

"Yeah sure, see you later." I tucked my phone in my pocket.

"My mother says we need to come home." I told the others and we headed out the zoo. The whole way home, I was silent. Why didn't my parents tell me I can speak another language without even trying? Do they know? We arrived home and I went up to the library to find books on parseltongue. 

"Bye EP!" Daphne and Theo yelled as I ran up the stairs. 

"Byee!" I yelled back just before I reached the library.

I asked one of the maids if the know where the parseltongue books are and she pointed me to a little area on one of the shelves. Wow, I wonder who uses this library or she gets paid to dust books twice a week and rest the other days but still get paid more than most muggle jobs.

I went over there and saw a few books on parseltongue which I got and started reading. I read until Izzy peaked through the door and said, "Elena, it's time for dinner."

I walked downstairs, still wrapping my head around the fact that I can speak snake language.

"Kids," Mrs Malfoy started when we were all gathered around at the dinner table, "Next week, we will be watching the Quidditch World Cup at a great stadium."

"So make sure you are ready that morning and wear something appropriate for the event." Mr Malfoy added.

We nodded and continued eating dinner with the parents explaining more details about the World Cup. I finished dinenr early and went upstairs to talk to Rosie and Daphne. I wrote a letter to Daphne and let my owl, Apollo, fly it to Daph. I then called Rose and waited for her to pick up. 

"Hey Lena?" Draco asked me just as Rosie picked up, "Me and the group are planning to go to Diagon Alley this Wednesday, you coming?" I gave him a thumbs up and he left.

"Was that Draco?" Rose asked, "I'm dearly begging God to transform me into a pureblood so I can date him."

"Girl-" I was flabbergasted, "You had a crush on Draco the whole time?" I walked over and slammed the door shut."

"Have I not told you?"

"You dumbass brunette with the brown eyes mexican NO YOU HAVE NOT."

I could see her phone screen flip up and now I was facing the ceiling which mean't she is either screaming into her pillow or she broke something and is calling her maid to clean it up. 

"Ok I just finished helping the maid clean up my five broken hot coco mugs and tipping her a 100 dollar bill."

"K as you should." I chuckled, "Hey, the group and I going to get some school supplies this Wednesday, if you're free I can ask if you can join?"

"I have nothing else to do so yes please."

"K, be right back." I dropped my bed onto my bed and went to Draco's room. He was on call with the others so I thought it was the perfect time to asked. I knocked on the open door to get his attention and asked,

"Hey you guys know my friend Rose right." I could hear them all agree over the phone, "Could she come with us this Wednesday?" They all said yes so I went back to my room to break the good news to Rosie.

"Meet you at the Malfoy Manor this Wednesday." I told her and she screamed. She knew all about the magical world and how I'm studying at Hogwarts and she also knows if the muggle world is destroyed, it would probably because of the magical world.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09 ⏰

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