chapter 2

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Y/n and Ironwood were sat at their desks that are right next to each other, since their last case it has been three days and they haven't had a new case. Then the leader of a SWAT team known as Port walked up to them :

 Then the leader of a SWAT team known as Port walked up to them :

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Ironwood " Sup Port how's it going? "

Port " Good I just came back from stopping a group of people robbing a small bank. "

Y/n " Cool. "

Port " Thanks they were kinda stupid though they walked right into our ambush thinking they were home free. "

Ironwood " Well that's good easy to catch. "

Then Ozpin walked over to Y/n, Port and Ironwood.

Ozpin " Y/n, Ironwood I have a case for you someone has gone missing they were last seen entering their house. "

Y/n " Who are they? "

Ozpin " They're a 8 year old boy named Jamie he isn't connected to any gangs by any means, he's just a normal kid. "

Ironwood " Parents? "

Ozpin " They're in the picture and want us to find him. "

Y/n " Alright then let's go. "

Ozpin " Y/n I'm guessing you know about the Rose Garden being back in Vale? "

Y/n " Yeah I do but they haven't come after me at all so they might just be leaving me alone now. "
Ironwood " Kid you know better they don't just leave people alone after they've left. "

Y/n " I know It's just wishful thinking, let's go find this kid then. "

Y/n and Ironwood then grabbed their badges and holstered their guns then walked out to Ironwood's car, they both got in and Ironwood drove to the missing kids house. When they got there they both entered the house to see the parents sat on their couch, Ironwood started talking to them as Y/n went into the kids room and saw nothing out of order. Y/n then looked through the window to see two bikes next to each other with a gap between them, enough of a gap to fit another bike, Y/n walked into the living room.

Y/n " Did you guys have bikes? "

Jamie's dad " Yes three why? "

Y/n " Cause there's two bikes out there with one missing. "

Jamie's mom " Yeah we noticed but how will that help finding him? "

Ironwood " It means he wasn't taken from his home he left by his own free will. "

Y/n " What kind of bike was it? "

Jamie's dad " It's a [ insert bike name here ]. "

Y/n " OK. "

Y/n and Ironwood left the house.

Ironwood " Did you see anything else? "

Y/n " No his stuff is still there so he didn't run away there's no sign of a struggle so he wasn't taken so he ran away. "

RWBY Mafia AU x male cop readerWhere stories live. Discover now