chapter 6

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Y/n was sat down in Ozpin's office with Ironwood stood next to him and Ozpin sat behind his desk, they were were watching a video sent to them by Ashley the video starts showing Ashley sit down on the chair backwards but still facing the camera.

Ashley " Hey baby It's been awhile listen I have some good news I got a job with the Rose Garden, It pays well and I have tons of free time so I can come visit you. "

Ruby " [ steps into frame ] We got to talking and we think she's perfect for you brother. "

Ashely " See even your family think I'm great for you so when I get out of here we start over ... obviously I can't hear you say yes or no so when I see you next you'll have your answer by babe. "

The video then cut out and Y/n looked at Ironwood who looked at him back, they then both looked at Ozpin and all three of them started to laugh.

Y/n " Hahahaha I'm sorry I couldn't keep it together. "

Ironwood " Fucking same. "

Ozpin " OK but in all seriousness what are we going to do now? "

Y/n " Well we can't do anything at the moment since she's still in prison the others aren't here they're handling business so I guess we just wait. "

Ironwood " We need to plan for the future. "

Ozpin " I agree so when they return distant yourself from them and when Ashley finds you then play it safe. "

Y/n " You got it boss. "

Ozpin " Good now then we've found something in a hotel a bomb. "

Ironwood " Has it been disarmed? "

Ozpin " Yes but we need to track down who put the bomb there so that's what you two are doing. "

Y/n " Alright boss. "

Ironwood " Let's go before something else happens. "

Y/n and Ironwood then left the office and got into Y/n's car, Y/n then drove towards the hotel and eventually got there when they did they both got out and went into the hotel as they did the manager walked up to them.

Manager " Hello and welcome to my hotel is everything OK? "

Ironwood " Yes I'm Sargant Ironwood and this is detective Y/n we're investigating the [ whispers ] bomb that was found here. "

Manager " Oh OK just go to the 10th floor and It was found in the staff room on that floor. "

Y/n " Thank you sir. "

Y/n and Ironwood then took the elevator to the tenth floor and then entered the staff room then started to look around trying to find any evidence.

Y/n " Do we have CCTV footage outside the room? "

Ironwood " We already have some people working on it, so any ideas on who did this? "

Y/n " No idea the only people that have access to this room without causing suspicion is the staff so unless our guy dressed up as one of the staff then he's probably apart of the staff. "

Ironwood " Hmm [ sees a fabric trapped in a locker ] what's that? "

Y/n looks at the fabric and opens the locker to see a uniform.

Y/n " Well either someone left their uniform at work or that's how they got in. "

Ironwood " This guy is dedicated to this to use a uniform. "

Y/n and Ironwood then took out some gloves and put them on, they took out the uniform and started to examine it then the screen changed to Oobleck's lab.

RWBY Mafia AU x male cop readerWhere stories live. Discover now