chapter 5

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Y/n was sat at his desk looking at some paperwork when Ironwood walked up to him.

Ironwood " Listen Y/n we're doing a charity event against the firefighters of Vale and we need you to race against one of their fastest. "

Y/n " Yeah I'll do it. "

Ironwood " OK It's in three hours. "

Y/n " Alright then. "

Ozpin then walked up to Y/n and Ironwood.

Ozpin " He in? "

Ironwood " Yep. "

Ozpin " Good make sure you haul ass. "

Y/n " It's what I do best. "

Ozpin " Anyway I have another case for you and your partners [ does a quotation mark sign with his fingers ] a small bank was robbed but no one entered the bank to rob it. "

Y/n " [ blinks three times quickly ] How? "

Ozpin " That's what I need you and partners [ does the quotation marks again ] to find out. "

Y/n " Alright I'll go get them. "

Ozpin " Here [ passes a file of documents ] everything we know currently about what happened. "

Y/n " Thanks. "

Y/n stood up and walked into Summer's, Raven's, Kali's and Willow's office to see them and Ruby, Yang, Weiss and Blake sat down with their blazers off.

Y/n " Since I'm nice I'll tell you, I have a new case a small bank was robbed but no one entered it to rob it. "

Yang " How? "

Y/n " That's what we need to find out unless you guys don't want to come along. "

Y/n saw them stood up and putting their blazers on.

Y/n " Alright then let's go. "

Y/n walked out the station at got in his car then after a couple seconds the others got in, Y/n then droves to the bank.

Yang " We heard a rumour that you're running a race for charity, it true? "

Y/n " Yep hopefully I can beat the other guy but they're firefighters they are known for hauling ass towards fires. "

Y/n then stopped at a red light and looked to his left to see a park and a two parents playing with their daughter, Y/n then smiled at it and looked back at the road.

Y/n " Wish I could still do that with my parents. "

Weiss " Do you know who killed them? "

Y/n " Not a fucking clue I was hiding in the closet [ Yang smirks ] not like that, I heard two gun shots and heard one person panic and run out the house that's everything I know about what happened. "

Blake " Ever tried to find out more. "

Y/n " No It's all the way at Atlas and can't be arsed to go back but eventually I'll go back. "

Then they finally arrived at the bank and Y/n parked outside, then they all got out the car and Y/n locked the car then they walked into the bank. When they got in they met with the banks manager and security.

Manager " Hello. "

Y/n " Hey I'm detective Y/n [ shows his badge ] and these are my partners we're just gonna look around for anything that could help in our investigation. "

Manager " That is fine if you need anything please come to me or my head of security. "

Then both the manager and head of security then walked away.

RWBY Mafia AU x male cop readerWhere stories live. Discover now