chapter 4

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Y/n was running after a criminal that just tried to rob a guy.

Y/n " I'm still on this guys ass he's smart outmanoeuvring me. "

Ironwood " Tackle the fucker. "

Y/n stopped using the radio and caught up to the criminal and tackled him onto the ground, then Ironwood drove Y/n's car up next to him and they both arrested him then another cop car arrived and they shoved the criminal in the back seat. The cops that just arrived took the criminal away as Y/n drove himself and Ironwood back to the station, when they arrived they sat at their desks and looked over a new case when Ruby, Yang, Weiss and Blake walked up to Y/n.

Yang " Y/n we're partners why the fuck didn't you bring us along? "

Y/n " Cause I was at the shops when the guy tried to rob a guy I wasn't going to call you comes then arrest him. "

Ironwood " It took you awhile to catch him you're getting slow. "

Y/n " And you're getting old. "

Ironwood " Kid let's be real you're never this slow what happened? "

Y/n " [ sighs and rolls up his jean over his right foot to show a bruise ] I banged my foot against a table this morning that's why I'm slower. "

Ironwood " Oh ... dumbass. "

Y/n " Old fuck. "

Ozpin " [ walks over to them ] You two can stop that right now I have a case you need to take priority on, [ hands the documents to Y/n ] some kid got killed he was going to give us information about a bank robbery. "

Y/n " So one of the crew killed him, mostly likely the victim was another member of the crew trying to get a reduced sentence. "

Ozpin " You're right he was if we find the killer we have a lead on who robbed the bank. "

Y/n " Alright we'll look into it. "

Ozpin walks off and Y/n reads the documents.

Y/n " OK he was found in his home let's start there. "

Ironwood " I'll finish up some paperwork here. "

Y/n " Alright. "

Y/n stood up and walked to his car then got in then Ruby, Yang, Weiss and Blake got in as well then Y/n drove to the kids house. When they got there Y/n parked right outside the house then he got out the car with the others, Y/n locked the car and they all walked into the house to see a chalk drawing of a dead body but no signs of a struggle they all then put gloves on.

Y/n " [ holds out the documents ] Someone read out who this kid was? "

Blake " [ takes the documents as Y/n crouches down at the chalk drawing ] His name was Alex a 23 year old man who worked at a big shopping mall, he doesn't have a girlfriend and his family are in Vacuo, it says here he is paranoid and careful. "

Y/n " ( sarcastic ) Great, ( normally ) paranoid people are either really good cause they leave clues for us or they leave fuck all. "

Yang " Can't be that bad. "

Y/n " You say that now but just wait. "

Y/n then looked around until he saw a light reflection coming off a hanging picture, Y/n walked up to it and carefully took it off the wall to see a camera.

Y/n " Ahhh yes he's the good kind of paranoid. "

Y/n carefully took out the camera and put it in an evidence bag, Y/n then started to look around for anything else but didn't see anything else.

RWBY Mafia AU x male cop readerWhere stories live. Discover now