chapter four

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"Jungkook please tell me for once, that you don't plan on doing that" he looked at jungkook holding his shoulders firmly while staring into his eyes with a stern expression, he frowned not getting any answer from him

"Tell me" he raised his voice a little louder as jungkook shook his head "I can never, hyung" he spoke in a little voice, taehyung left jungkook with a stunned expression as he took few steps back, something he saw in jungkook's eyes, those raw emotions

He kept a palm over his mouth before turning around as he breathed in and out heavily and turned back to see jungkook "You fell in love with her" he muttered in disbelief as jungkook shot a look at him with a slight nod "since when?" He asked lowly

He shook his head "I don't know hyung, was it when I first saw her innocent doe eyes staring at me, the way those eyes sparkled, I wanted to hold her in my arms when she looked at me hyung, no I was not talking about when she was 5 years old, but when she was born, i wanted to hide her from every evil", he smiled unknowingly while imagining her baby face

He continued while taehyung stared at him "those eyes never fail to sparkle when she sees new things for the very first time, she looks so identical like my lolanthe, but her innocence, it's something that I myself have never witnessed hyung", he closed his eyes, a tear slidding down "her smile is so precious, so beautiful, so adorable I never want to see her shed a tear, especially due to me"

"Jungkook" taehyung whispered burying the younger's face in his chest nodding his head to continue as jungkook wrap his arms around taehyung "I don't know when I start loving her hyung, I want to protect her from the world, I can't see her soul perish away, leave that I don't even want a single scar on her body, she's precious hyung so precious, my human" he spoke

He looked down, his tears slidding down "i waited for my lolanthe so much, a thousand years perhaps, and I can wait for another thousand years just for her to reincarnate again, but I can never hurt my human, never hyung, I'll wait for her"

Taehyung sighed thinking that jungkook has been in love since so long, he had fallen into the depth of love so deep and refused to come out of it, his human, yn, she managed to capture a place in his heart that he wouldn't hurt her, but what about that dark creatures which seek her powers? How long can jungkook protect her

"But bringing back lolanthe means being able to finally put an end to the dark creatures jungkook" he whispered uncertain of why he spoke that when jungkook shook his head "Never hyung, i am not sacrificing her soul for bringing back lolanthe, my human, i will protect her with my everything and live for my lolanthe, wait for her" he whispered barely enough for taehyung to hear

"But those powers, jungkook they remain locked until and unless taken" he spoke with worry, jungkook looked at him "hyung,I need your help to create a pendant for her"

Without saying another word, jungkook immediately took out his pendent stroking it whispering some words as a chest came infront of him, he opened the chest revealing a stone while taehyung widened his eyes "But jungkook?" He was cut off when jungkook sliced a small part of the stone carving it into a beautiful heart design , his heart aching uncontrollably yet his determination unwavering

He plucked off his one feather and stared at taehyung who sighed plucking his feather and handed it over to jungkook, he took the feathers mending them into one as they glowed bright forming a chain, he stared at taehyung "Hyung i won't ask your heart stone, but can you please give a part of your protection stone?" He asked with desperate eyes

Looking into those eyes, taehyung melted before nodding in approval, he stroked his own pendant whispering similar words to that of Jungkook, a similar chest appeared infront of them as taehyung took a blue stone and cut a small part of it handing over to jungkook who smiled and hugged him

"Jungkook but that's your heart stone, every power you have, she will have it, every pain she feels you will feel it" he spoke in concern as jungkook grinned "I can do that for my human, it's just my heart stone I gave her" he spoke as if it wasn't a big deal

But it was, heartstone was the most precious belonging to a person, but it also makes them vulnerable, taking a part out of it meant huge amount of pain, but he handled it like nothing happened, gifting this to her meant protecting her with his everything, but that also meant he is exposing his vulnerability, a chance to weaken him, that's why they plucked their feathers offering a burning effect to evil.

The feathers helped to alert both of them when evil presense is detected and taehyung's protection stone although not bearing much consequences for breaking a bit of it, he still will lose some protection, but his attacks and his powers are enough to protect himself.

It offered immense protection to her so he gave it willingly, for both her and his brother like friend jungkook who is risking his life by giving her a pendant consisting a part of his heart stone.

"I'll go and give it to my human now" Jungkook said smiling widely as taehyung nodded ruffling the younger's hair

Jungkook immediately fell down from the clouds, his wings fluttering while he gave them a powerful thrust, he raised higher before he flew off in the direction of her house

He came inside her room, his eyes wandering off in several directions for her presence, that's when the door of the bathroom unlocked making the angel flustered as he closed his eyes immediately

"ahh jungkook what are you doing here?" Yn shouted in surprise while he turned his back to her, she immediately wore her clothes while he muttered sorries.

"I am done wearing my clothes, you can turn back now" she whispered while he did, he scratched his neck feeling shy as he coughed "it's okay don't feel embarassed" she spoke although she herself was dying of embarassment

He cleared his throat while she sat on her bed checking the pictures she has clicked the other day, she hummed softly "which one do you think is perfect? I need to upload them and also choose one for me to paint" she spoke while he sat beside her

He carefully checked the pictures she showed him and selected as she grinned thanking him, but she sighed, her eyes turning teary, she gripped the angel's palm, burning heat surged through her palm, her blood felt like boiling, but the comfort of his palm stopped her from taking out her hand
"Jungkook, I am sorry it's because of me, you were injured, I didn't mean for any of that to happen"

She spoke looking down as he smiled grazing his lips against her forehead "it's not your fault and I can undergo any pain if it means protecting you" he grinned, showing his bunny teeth, as she chuckled through the tears.

He cleared his throat again while she stared at him "Do you want to say anything?" She asked curiously as he nodded "Kind of", he took out the pendant from his pocket as her eyes shone with admiration, she unknowingly spoke "it's beautiful" she whispered, her gaze stuck on it, he chuckled

"it's yours now, i made it for you" he spoke, his tone laced with love that seeped out from his heart, she widened her eyes "for me?" He nodded "For you, my human" he whispered wrapping the pendant chain around her neck as he clasped it.

His eyes shining "it's beautiful" he spoke as she looked at him giving him a slight hug and peck his cheek "thank you so much for this, my angel" she spoke as he grinned, his cheeks turning red as heat creeped up, his heart beating at an abnormal pace but soon his eyes turned serious as he spoke "never take it off, this is for your safety and so that I can know when you are in danger"

She sighed "But I don't want you hurt Jungkook, never" she spoke as he placed his palm on hers and as usual it went right through, but it felt so casual for him to do that unknowingly while he sighed looking at his hand, she placed her palm on his, giving him warmth as he smiled

They stared into each other's eyes before she turned away taking a deep breath, she hung her head down playing with the hem of her shirt before asking "who's lolanthe?"

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