chapter 9: jealous?

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Third person pov:

Jungkook opened his eyes....realizing he had actually slept due to exhaustion ....he looked at the clock to find that he only slept for Abt 20 minutes...

He adjusted his eyes in the bright hospital light ...then a layer of realization hit hum...he looked at the food....but he found out that it was ...

Fully untouched....

Disappointment took over the youngers facade....what the hell Jungkook?.. were you really expecting him to finish all the food just so you could no snap out of it....Jungkook thought shaking his head...and started looking here and there for taehyung ...


Taehyung couldn't process that his husband actually agreed on kissing him...he shook his head no ...I know he hummed because he just wanted to have a sleep ...he wouldn't mean it....and on top of all this I would never kiss him either....that stupid bunny-..the older thought and moved away from the younger and went into the bathroom to change his hospital gown .....

He entered the bathroom and looked into the mirror....and instant regret flashed into his mind....fck I really wanted to know how his lips actually tasted ...they looked to appealing soft ....the warm breaths coming out from his mouth...I wanted to know how they will feel inside my mout-...oh shit...what am I thinking...

The brunette came here to change his clothes but guess he has to take a cold shower aswell to calm his hormones....

The brunette came out of the bathroom in his own black t-shirt and black skinny jeans drying his hair with hospital towel...he looked directly in his husband's eyes who was also looking at him....

Both of them locked their eyes for smtime and suddenly looked away at the same time ...feeling unknowingly awkward and flustered...

Taehyung cleared his throat and said."I think ...uhmmm...we should leave?.."
"Yeah yeah...sure lemme pack my stuff"..Jungkook replied hastily and went to pack his stuff leaving taehyung's behind....

"Would you die if you pick my jacket as well?"...taehyung asked "I don't wanna take any risk Mr."...Jungkook replied sassily and went out of the room..

"Such a bitch"...the brunette said and picked his jacket wallet and car keys and left the room as well ...


After paying the medical and consultancy bill....they were about to head out of the hospital when a voice called them from behind..

"Hey Mr. I'm not little.."....both of them turned at the voice just to find a doctor(Jackson)...approaching them with a wide smile...

His smile was specifically directed at Jungkook ....the older had noticed it ...he looked at Jungkook with confusion on his face just to find that the younger was smiling at the doctor as well......

The doctor went to them and Jungkook asked smiling oh so dearly that weirded out taehyung to the core ....

"What is it doc?"..."nothing just wanted to know are you done with the treatment of your husband?"...oh so he knows abt me...what have they talked Abt...for how long...and here I was being blamed for flirting with a nurse whom I was not even interested in..the brunette was in the pool of his thoughts when his husband's voice broke him out of the stance....

"YAHH KIM TAEGYUNG-..."..."ahh yes yes!?"...taehyung asked bewildred, " I was introducing you jackass"...the younger said passing him a death glare...Jungkook motioned with his eyes ....and taehyung looked at the doctor seeing that he has his hand extending forward...he quickly shook it..

"hello! Taehyung I'm Dr. jackson, a neurosurgeon...I work here... if you have any problem just contact me .."..he gave him his business card and left his hands..

"Oh thanks doc "..the older put the card in his inside coat pocket..."Well I must say have a quite a gem.." he said looking towards Jungkook whose eyes enlarged at the comment thrown directly at him...

Taehyung dumbfounded looked at the direction Jackson was pointing at...just to find his husband now looking down smiling shyly....smth irked inside the older he never looks like this at my comments ..he thought and suddenly he felt a hot and burning sensation in his if he wanted to burn a special some one ...

He was looking at the scene quietly when Jackson again spoke this time completely burning his insides and making him want to throw a punch at his face..."If I had him I would've cherished every single fragment of his body.." Jackson said looking at the shorter with the desirous look...that both of them didn't liked...

Having enough of it the tallest of the three chuckled darkly and replied ..."haha..too bad he's not yours "....taehyung replied looking deadly towards Jackson with a dark expression...his reply shocked Jungkook to the core ...he looked at the older with surprise finding a strange expression in his eyes that he has never seen before ...

Jackson too chuckled and then looked deadly in the Brunette's eyes (btw taehyung's height is roughly 1-2 inches more that jackson's)......"then he's whom?"..Jackson asked with a smirk knowing that the couple didn't liked each other and don't have a very good relation judging by how the younger had told him Abt taehyung f*king the nurse ....

Taehyung maintained the eye contact with Jackson not moving an inch ..Jungkook was looking dumbfoundedly towards both males....and sensing the tension between them he said..."I think we should take our leave ...goodbye doc"....he said and pulled taehyung's arm to move the still staring male away from the doctor...who just smirked and while looking directly in taehyungs eyes replied...

"Yeah...goodbye little one"...and saying this he went inside...while taehyung in extreme rage yanked his arm away from jungkook's grip and with fast steps went towards the car...

Jungkook follows him behind almost running not being able to keep up with this long legged tall guy...

Taehyung was just standing near the door of their car when Jungkook reached...he was panting due to running here between his short breaths he asked "why are y- you n-not sitting in- side the c- car?!?"...

Taehyung didn't replied instead he turned and with a swift move he clutched the younger's arm and yanked him towards the car pinning the raven head between his tall figure and the car...taking the younger completely off guard...

He bent down to reach the younger's face and asked in his that deep voice
whose command Jungkook can't seem to resist and said in a painfully slow and calm manner...



So you naughty people thought they're gonna na ..too early for tha ...but they'll...and with very passion ...but after a little while...

Until then...

Bubyee lovelies ❤️

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