15 3 1

Soon enough, I opened my eyes and woke up. I found myself on a classroom. I slowly regained consciousness as I took my head off of the desk it was resting on.

"What happened...?" I muttered as I looked around the room. It appeared to be some form of classroom. My body felt unusually heavy, and my head was still pounding like it had its own heartbeat, but I assumed that was because I was sleeping on a hard wooden desk. That certainly wasn't healthy.

I slowly stood up, gripping the desk for a bit of support as I looked around the classroom I seemed to have been resting in. There seemed to have been surveillance cameras in this room, though I assumed that was normal. Maybe, it was there in case bad people come in?

There also seemed to have been metal plates plastered on the wall, where I assumed windows would have been. I walked over to the windows and knocked my fist on it. Yup. Hard metal. But why? What was the point of that? I never knew Tamatsukuri Academy had metal plastered on it's windows.

I shook away any negative thoughts my mind seemed to have been possessing over as I left the classroom and headed to where I assumed was the main hall.

I strolled around the school aimlessly until I made it to 2 double doors that already seemed to be left ajar. I took a deep breath as I walked in. 12 pairs of eyes were glued onto me as there was chattering among themselves. I ignored the useless chattering as I stood awkwardly in the far corner, waiting for something to happen, and then...

"Oh! A new student." A soft voice spoked.

"Eh? Are you all...?" I muttered, surprised.

"Yep. We're all new here. Today's supposed to be out first day of class."

"So counting the girlie, that makes thirteen.
Seems like a good cut-off point, but I wonder if this is everyone."

"Um...Hello. Sorry I'm late. A bunch of stuff happened, and then all of a sudden I was just...asleep," I greeted.

"Whoa, you too?" A girl with a strange mask gasped.

"Wait, just a second. You're late." A blonde boy spoke. Soon, I realized it was my friend, Irin. "You're aware that the meeting was to start at 8 AM sharp. I suppose I should report you, and you must accept your due punishment."

"Irin! I missed you!" I ran and hugged him, smiling happily. "I was so lonely! Don't leave all alone again!"

"Oh? Is this your girlfriend, Mr. Class President?" A silver haired girl muttered, smirking.

Irin looked at the girl, flustered. "She's not my girlfriend. We were simply close with one another..."

A tall black haired woman giggled. "Take it easy on her. "Besides, I doubt she wanted to be late in the first place."

"How about we introduce ourselves and get to know one another as a little icebreaker?" A buff  tanned man suggested. "There must be a person in charge of this so why don't we wait until they come back?"

"That's a good point. let's get introductions out of the way, then we can move on to whatever else. Sound good?" A blue-haired girl asked.

We all dismissively agreed and started walking around the room, introducing ourselves to each other. I didn't exactly know who to walk up to, and nobody seemed to come over to me, until Irin walked up to me.

"What are you standing around for? Do you seriously need me to hold your hand while you introduce yourself?" Irin scolded.

"Hehe! I was actually going to come over to people myself." I smiled. "But holding your hand doesn't seem that bad!"