Chapter 6: Threads of Hope

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The following weeks passed by as normal. Training was going smoothly, and quickly. Nalitor and Kasi took one day off each week to relax, fuck, and sleep. She had tried on a few occasions to ask what had happened again, but he refused to let her know. They flew through the magic lessons. Kasi would tell him what to do and nearly every time he could do it first try. All he had to do was close his eyes, picture himself casting the spell, and with a bit of help from Retarion's vast knowledge it was possible. Together they sat down on the bench snacking on some strawberries his parents had recently brought in.

Their snacking stopped when the door to the room opened up and their mother, Cadence, walked in. As the door creaked behind her, resting slightly crooked she turned back at it perplexed, "What...happened to the door?" She asked them puzzled.

"I..." Nalitor stood up and shrugged at her, "I might have done that. On accident!" He quickly added. She slowly turned back around to look at him, Nalitor could have sworn he saw a glint of shock in her eyes, even if it lasted for but a moment, "I at least put it back up, but I've no idea how to redo that protective boundary you guys had on it."

"You...broke it?" Cadence asked, carefully choosing her words.

Nalitor pursed his lips together. The way the words left her mouth, she was either surprised, angry, or both. He assumed angry. She never was pleased with anything he did, and even less so if he caused problems. "Yes...sorry Mother." Kasi could see his hand that was behind him in a tight fist, shaking slightly with fear.

Cadence blinked at him multiple times before she recomposed herself, "Fascinating. Fascinating indeed." She then smiled warmly at him, "Come, we have something we wish to teach you."

Nalitor calmed down, shocked she wasn't punishing him, and glanced over at Kasi, "Magic?" He asked his mother. They had never taught him anything before. The closest he got to them teaching him anything were their scrutinizing lectures of how he had failed after being beaten.

His mother smiled, "Oh yes. Quite handy magic at that." The words, the way she said them, the way her eyes seemed almost to smile at him...

"Be careful, Nalitor." Retarion said. "I would not trust this."

"I don't," He sighed internally, "It's never good when they want me." He nodded at his mother and turned to Kasi, "Save a few for me!" He was able to fake confidence quite well.

She seemed to fall for it as she chuckled, "Maybe." She said as she slowly popped another strawberry into her mouth followed by a small wave goodbye and a wink.

Nalitor shook his head and silently chuckled. Did she have to act so sexual? "So, what am I learning?" He asked her as she led him across the mansion. While he held trepidations towards the whole scenario, he was awfully curious as to what they might show him. They were immensely powerful magicians whose accomplishments, mixed with their ambitions, ended them with more enemies than allies; and even those they called friend, always were considered temporary. Everything and everyone was but a tool, a rung on the ladder that they climbed, fought, and murdered their way to the top of.

"How to turn other objects into a source of magic." Cadence said. Magic was something found within everyone and everything. It floated in the universe aimlessly, an unrestricted, never ending power source for magicians to wield. When it came to controlling it though, you were confined to the magic within you and what you could draw into yourself; as long as you didn't try to wield more than you could handle at least. Rumor was that magicians who attempted to manipulate too much magic were consumed by it, vanishing from existence. "If there was an anti-magic barrier or spell in the area that kept you from accessing your magic, you could then turn to another object, such as a tree or the grass around you, and convert their mass into magic."

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