Chapter 10: One Chance

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Nalitor found himself confused. He was walking down the hallway headed towards his training room, but he had no memory of coming here. He had just been training with Kasi and now...he was here. He stopped and looked around him. It was as if...he was missing a part of time, memories of what just happened. "Retarion...?" He asked with a very cautious tone.

"Ah." He responded, "You're back."

"The void do you mean I'm...back?" Nalitor snapped at him.

"You shut yourself out." Retarion told him.

"From what?!?" Nalitor shouted back.

Retarion sighed, "You were just with your parents..."

Nalitor's heart stopped, "What...hap-"

"You don't want to know" Retarion cut him off, "There's a reason you choose not to remember it."

"What. The fuck. Did I do?" Nalitor demanded an answer.

Retarion shook his head, "No."

"What do you mean no?!?!"

"Trust me, kid." Retarion glared at him, "You don't want to know."

Nalitor put his hands on his face and tried to rub the stress away, "Was it really that bad...?" He asked with overwhelming hesitation.

"Look," Retarion leveled with him, "You did whatever you had to do for Kasi. Just go back to her."

Nalitor grumbled to himself and pulled the hands away from his face, "I'm losing myself...aren't I?" Retarion didn't respond, "I need to get out of here. I need to take Kasi and just run away."

"You can't run from them. Their blood runs in your veins. They could hunt you down."

"THEN LET'S KILL THEM!" Nalitor shouted at him.

"It's not as-"

"I'm sick of waiting for the right 'time'!" Nalitor cut him off screaming, "I need to leave now or I might lose myself!"

Silence hung in his mind for a few seconds before Retarion started, "Listen to me." Retarion pointed at him, "I've been thinking, and I need just a little more time, but I believe soon, very soon, we can make that time happen instead of waiting for it." Nalitor didn't respond as he waited in anticipation for Retarion to continue, "Your parents are enamored with their ability to use Kasi to control you, so much so they fail to see how strong you are becoming. With the right planning, I believe you might be able to catch them off guard and kill them before they can respond."

Nalitor was silent. The endless excited pounding of his heart spoke for him. So many thoughts rushed through his head. Freedom. Kasi. The deaths of his parents. They all were good. He didn't even realize that he was smiling ear to ear, that his heart was fluttering like an individual asking for a first date, but after some time his mind finally was able to focus just enough to respond, "Might...?" He asked hesitantly.

Retarion frowned, "You are right in your fears. We are running out of time. A might may be our best option."

"Then we'll take it." Nalitor barely let Retarion's mouth close before he responded, "I can't let myself become..." He couldn't find the right words, he didn't know what he was becoming, "I can't lose myself."

"I won't let that happen." Retarion spoke with such confidence Nalitor couldn't even consider denying the statement, "Give me a week. I will have something for you. I promise. On my word."

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