First impression

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This chapter is long so prepare yourselves 😅

(Y/n) pov

I woke up in the morning ready to go shopping but I didn't expect that the certain man with silver hair would go with me so I just did my morning routine and prepared for the trip to Konoha then my maid called me if I'm ready to go I answered yes and went outside my room where my maid was and my soon-to-be husband he was in his junin vest, his hair was mess and his headband was on his one eye and the other eye was staring at me??

"What is he doing here?" I asked my maid and she just shrugs her shoulders and told me she doesn't know. I stared at him suspiciously for a few moments but he was minding his own business nothing suspicious. I came to him and started speaking.

"Hello my name is (Y/n) Kuruzaki and if I may ask you what are you doing here Kakashi Hatake?" I asked a little embarrassed and I can tell that he is embarrassed too but he turned his full attention to me.

"Good morning (Y/n) I was told by your father to take you to the Konoha and buy with you everything we need and to meet you personally" I was surprised he already know about this I thought that he will know by today but no he already know by yesterday.

"Ok so what are we waiting for?" I asked now little awkward and the we went to Konoha it was not long but it felt between us uncomfortable silence it was awkward and we both were really embarrassed around each other then we finally reach Konoha and Kakashi went to tell something guards then he returned to me and told me to follow him because I didn't know here really well.

I followed and the first where we went was the training grounds?? "Stay here I need to tell my team something, ok. I will be back in a few minutes" He disappeared and I stayed ahead of the training grounds.
Kakashi pov

I went to my team already training I was surprised and they came to me except Sasuke he came slowly. "Sorry for waiting black cat cross my road so I must take the longer way, but anyway I wanted to tell you that I can't train you today because I have more important things then train you three" I said and strug my shoulders and Naruto always say something.

"What is more important then training us sensei?" Naruto angrily said and Sakura suport him.

"Yes what is more important than training us?" Sakura said more angry then Naruto and I hope that Sasuke is still on my side and don't join the two of them. How I was wrong, he support them.

"They are right what is for you more important?" He said with a dangerous voice and now I must explain everything because they all looked at me with daggers in their eyes.

"Ok I will explain but I must go somewhere first" I looked at their now confused looks because they don't know anything and I have to get out of there fast so I disappeared where (y/n) was standing.

"Hi, we must get going" I informed her sweetly and softly just to don't scare her.

"ok Ka-Hatake" She answered me and I noticed that she hesitated if she could call me Kakashi. I looked her in the eyes because she was too nervous to even notice me I was staring at her.

"You can call me Kakashi and my team is probably searching for me so we must go" I said to her and she followed me to the streets of Konoha.

We went to the flower shop first. Thank God Ino's mum was there she won't ask questions too much like Ino would if she sees me with a girl. The flower shop was beautiful. There were so many flowers of so many different colours I didn't understand too much but (y/n) was quite impressed because she smelled like every flower in the shop. 'And she was adora- what am I now thinking this is really amazing Kakashi you can't just tell her that and I know that the three of my students are out and watching us, this is great' and than (y/n) aproch me with big smile on her face.

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