Kakashi Hatake???

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(Y/n) pov

"I must marry Kakashi Hatake???" I was surprised and shocked, 'The perfect Kakashi Hatake, like the Copy ninja of the leaf village, like Kakashi of the Sharingan' my thoughts were running through my head. I felt like this is the worst thing in my life because he's literally perfect and I was clumsy, not beautiful, not clever, just not good enough for him and the worst part is that he is forced to do this too.

"Yes, Kakashi Hatake and you will marry him no matter what, is that clear?" My father asked me and I nodded my head but the thoughts didn't stop I just wasn't good enough for him and they put me with him just because my family is a tradition and he, why he must marry me?? I will ask my father

"Father I will marry him but before the wedding I must meet him and second I must know why he is forced to do this too" I ask him and he frowns at me like I said something illegal but I was calm. I know how to deal with my dad so I wasn't nervous at all. and then he speaks to me:

"Fine, you will meet him before the wedding and why he must marry you, he wants to keep it a secret so I don't have an answer for you on this one but tomorrow you will go to the Konoha and buy a dress for the wedding that's all you can go." My father told me, the last part with his strict voice, and I nodded and went to my room of course the floor wasn't dry yet and I slip again but I hear quite laughing a few metres from me was a figure I don't know who he is? He then came closer to me and held a hand for me and he was quite handsome I guess. He has a brown hair, grey eyes and purple tape on his both cheeks and camera around his neck.

"Thanks for helping me" I said awkwardly and took his hand to help me stand up. Man he was really handsome he was almost perfect but I really never saw him around our residence before it was a little bit suspicious if he randomly appeared here."Who are you I never saw you around here," confidence in my voice was clear and he quickly speaks.

"My name is Sukea and I'm a photographer and journalist" He said but still something was really off and I wanted to know more but he continued like he knows what I was going to asked next "You probably wondering why am I here right?" He chuckled lightly and continued "your father wanted a really good photographer and a journalist to report this big event, so I came" he scratched the back of his head and I realised how he knows I was the head's daughter everyone always talking only about my brother, no one ever talks about me.

"How do you know I'm the head's daughter?" And now I was curious what he answers because how could he possibly know no one ever acknowledged me maybe someone told him or could he just somehow figurite out. I was nervous because he came a little closer to me and because he was tall he bent down and whispered to my ear.

"Journalists never tell his secret to someone who just met" he whispered to me and I felt his hot breath next to my ear. I was frozen in the spot 'why he must be so hot' I thought and I could just melt and mine face was red I could tell from his reaction because he quickly stepped back and said bye, he went to my father's office and I quickly ran to my room.

'What is with me, I can't like a stranger who I just met no that's impossible...... It's just a stupid crush and I'm getting married too' I thought to myself but still felt like a complete full 'how can I be blushing this is ridiculous' thought again but he was really attractive, handsome, and he had a beauty mark but still it was suspicious why in the middle of the night would be here a stranger named Sukea and wanted to speak to my father about some event yes event he meant my wedding but still. I rather go get some sleep because tomorrow would be really hard day I must decide flowers, dress, and everything else. I went to bed and fell asleep.

Kakashi pov
I was reading my book like Naruto calls it porn but it's a romance novel Icha Icha Paradise by Jiraya but then I couldn't read because my reading was disturb by a thought of something or someone? I was really curious about this but where is the point in trying right. Wrong, I was really curious because there is no way that we were getting out of this so I just expected my fate and dress to my second identity Sukea and went on investigation (not Jiraya investigation ok thanks 😁).

When I arrived at the residence of Kuruzaki I was little lost but then I heard the voice of a girl talking with some older man and I think that is a daughter of the head so I try to listen but I was to far from there so I just wait when they end the conversation and they eventually did because I saw (Y/n) coming out of there. She was quite pretty I guess but then I saw her slip on the floor and I couldn't hold my laughter because what Lady Hokage told me was definitely true. I approach her and gave her my hand to help her stand up.

"Thanks for helping me" she smiled at me and I felt weird like something in my stomach felt really off but I ignored it and keep it cool so no emotions are visible on me just the fake smile I always wear on my face. I was speechless because I traced with my eyes on her body and she had a really nice curve- what am I thinking I'm ninja not some pervert ok I'm pervert but I'm not spying on girls that's just wrong. My thoughts were interrupted by a girl standing in front of me."Who are you I never saw you around here" I almost immediately answered.

"My name is Sukea I'm a photographer and journalist," I was really good in lying so it was unnoticeable that I lied "You probably wondering why am I here right? I chuckled because she was staring at me like she thought that I was the most attractive and handsome guy ever but I continued "your father wanted a really good photographer and a journalist to report this big event, so I came" I said and I realised I just met her and I didn't know if she is a head's daughter so I scratched the back of my head but her expression sure me that I was correct.

"How do you know I'm the head's daughter?" She asked me and I was little bit surprised by her answer but I play cool and did something that I would never do in my entire life. I bend down just close enough to her ear and I decided a little teasing won't hurt right.

"Journalist never tells his secret to someone who met" What am I doing? I'm Sukea not Kakashi now so what is with me? I looked at her face and it was red like tomato so I stand up straight and said bye to her then I went to her father's office and just in one eye I see her running to her room I suppose.

I entered her father's office and took off my disguise and took my mask back before her father can see my face. "Good evening to you sir" I said and bowed my head a little then smiled at him.

"Oh, good evening to you too Hatake," He bowed his head too and started speaking "Why are you here? And I have a favor to ask you too so it's actually good that you are here" He asked and I started talking.

"I'm here to discuss this with you and if there is some way to cancel this marriage" I lightly laughed because I already knew the answer.

"No there is no way to cancel this Hatake and a favor that asked my daughter is if she can meet you before the wedding, please?" He asked and I already met her so I could say no but I met her like Sukea not like Kakashi so I must meet her. It would be awkward but I hope I will survive.

"Ok I will meet her, where and when?" I gave up because I knew there was no way to win the argument with him. What if he gives a date on our team training......wait a minute what I tell to my team about this???? Now I was inside panicking because I had no idea.

"You can take her to the village tomorrow because she will be choosing a dress and plan everything so I suppose you will help her and she doesn't know the Konoha very well because she doesn't go there to often" He said and I was surprised because I thought that she go there every day but eventually no. And tomorrow I have a training with my students so I can take them with me.....no this definitely not good idea I must somehow tell them that the training is going to be cancelled that I have something more important.

"Ok that would be great thanks for everything, good night" I said and I stood up and came to the door and went outside then I jumped to the tree and went home I was now really exhausted.

I came home and immediately went to bed but now I didn't read I fell asleep and the last thought was how (Y/n) was adorable with her smile, I know I just met her but I think it could work out between us.
Hi guys
I know it's cringe but I hope you will still like it 😁
It's just a story and don't take it to seriously
I do not own any characters from Naruto
And I will try to post longer chapters from now on
And if you think it's a really bad story don't read it ok 😊
thanks for those who read that🥰☺️ 

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