Arrange marriage???

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Pov (y/n)

It was peaceful outside. I sat down on a bench in our garden where I always sat and looked at the sky. It was a little cold outside but it was quite relaxing when my brother jumped in.

"Hey (Y/n) our father wants to speak with you," he smirked at me like I was in another problem.

"What he wants" I asked him coldly not looking at him and I can tell he is still smirking.

"I don't know " he said bored and continued speaking "He said that it is important and if you don't go now then I must drag you there forcefully" He started smirking again and I hated it.

"Fine I will go" I grabbed my things and went to my father and just my luck that the floor must have been washed a few minutes ago and I slipped on my butt.

I entered the room where my father was my butt still hurting and said "Hello father" I bowed my head and went to him.

"Please sit down I have a lot of things to discuss with you" I sat down on a chair almost tripped but for god sake I didn't trip."(Y/n), you are old enough to take care of your own and have a family and like a head's daughter you must marry, it's a tradition and it's really important in our clan to build a relationship with others, you understand that right" I was in shock I must marry someone!

"Yes father I understand" I said little bit nervous for my own good and started thinking if he would be old or really rude to me but my thoughts were disrupted by my father

"I already informed Hokage Tsunade about this and she offers to help me with it" 'why would Lady Tsunade agree to this in a first place, my father must have done something with it' I thought to myself "She already find someone and I told her it was a great idea because in past we had a good relationship with this clan" I was in a horror she already find someone?

"Father if I may ask you, who is it?" I said with hidden nervousness and I was cold like ice.

"He is ......."


Pov Kakashi

I was training with my team 7 and Naruto ask me "Sensei I want to ask you, you have a girlfriend?" I was in shock what was that even a  question I was little bit red but thanks to my mask and then I saw him smirking "hi,hi," he laughed at me.

When I calmed down I said simply "No, why are you asking this stupid question Naruto" I said seriously glaring at him with my one eye

"Just to see your expression Kakashi sensei, hi hi" He laughed again and fast run to Sakura and propably told her because she laughed with him and was looking at me.

"Hey Sasuke want to know if Kakashi sensei has a girlfriend" he said to Sasuke "I don't care" said Sasuke bored "He doesn't have a girlfriend yet he is still single I think because of his mask and he has a big mouth or something like that" Naruto told Sasuke something I didn't hear.

Then we train again and after 2 hours of our sparing one of Anbu came to me and I told my team to have a rest and I went to the Anbu.

"Kakashi Hatake is that right" Anbu asked me with stern voice and I nodded my head "Lady Tsunade wants to speak to you about something important" he said and I nodded again then he disappeared.

"Hey we must end the training because Hokage wants to speak to me" I said to them and they nodded except Naruto who like always complains about something that we didn't finish so I disappeared to the Hokage office.

"You want to see me Lady Hokage" I said to her when I arrived to the office and look around where no one was.

"Yes I wanted to see you, how can I say it to you without you freaking out Hatake?" She asked me seriously and with a frown on her face."Your father wanted your clan to continue and not to disappear so he made with 3rd Hokage a contract that if you do not marry until 25 years old then I have the right to do an arranged marriage for you" she said and I looked at her speechless 'I'm going to marry someone I don't know' I thought to myself.

"Wait Lady Hokage there must be a mistake somewhere" then she gave the contract and I looked at it and there was my father signed. I looked at Hokage and she looked at me in the one eye that was visible.

"You are going to marry her and that's finall, you are dismissed" I stayed there unable to move because one question is still on my mind.

"Who am I going to marry Lady Hokage" I hope she isn't much beautiful or arrogant because that would be a death to me, and then I realised I going to get married!!!

"She is (Y/n) Kuruzaki" the Hokage said and I didn't know her but her last name something tells me but I couldn't remember."She is from powerful clan where women have forbidden to be a ninja and she is head's daughter and he wants to marry her to someone capable of taking care of her because like he said she is really clumsy and causes just trouble" she sighted and looked at me  "I know you probably don't want this but please be aware of that she is forced to this too, ok" she said to me like I was her son or something like that and I said ok and than I went home.

When I arrived home I was still little shaking from what just happened. So I take a hot shower, brush my teeth and dress for the night and went to bed unable to sleep so I took my book and started reading to the morning.

This is my first story hope you will like it and English isn't my first language so if you find some mistakes please tell me.
and probably I don't know if I would be adding chapters that often
Thank you for reading it and
Don't take it seriously it's just for fun
Bye 👋

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