Chapter One

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Golden light filtered in through the window, basking the library in the lovely heat that came with late summer. It was open a crack, just enough to fill the air with the smell of the red and white roses blooming below in the lush gardens that surrounded the Rane estate, and if she focused hard enough, Kessia could also catch the scent of freshly baked bread floating over from the market down the road.

Kessia tipped her head back, resting it against the windowsill as she gazed out at the sunrise. The warmth of it brushed against her face like a lover's touch, gentle and welcomed, and she found herself yawning loudly. Rubbing the sleep from her eyes, Kessia glanced down to where Cryo was sprawled out on the floor beneath her, green gaze focused on an open book in his lap and holding his hand palm up before him. His delicate brows drew together in concentration as he flicked his wrist, gently murmuring a command under his breath.


When nothing occurred, Cryo muttered a few profanities before turning his attention back to his book. From her spot in the windowsill, Kessia could only make out a few scattered words on the pages, such as order and magic. She couldn't quite believe that she'd allowed him to drag her out of bed so early to watch him practice his magic, but there was always something so soothing about it, not to mention that it offered great entertainment when Cryo became flustered and turned nearly as red as the roses in the garden.

As a growth wielder, Cryo had always possessed a particular talent when it came to the maturation of plants, but as of late, he'd made a hobby out of attempting to summon a plant from nothing at all. Obviously, it wasn't going very well.

Kessia observed in silence as Cryo raised his hand once more, lips pursed stubbornly. He muttered his command again, but instead of keeping his hand open, he curled his fingers inward, forming a fist.

He closed his eyes. "If this doesn't work," he said, his tone dull with annoyance, "I might just burn this entire damned library to the ground."

Ever so slowly, he unfolded his hand, revealing the white rose that now sat in the centre of his palm. Cryo stood so abruptly that he sent his book skidding across the wooden floor. The brilliant green eyes of her adoptive brother met her own and he laughed in disbelief, extending his hand so she could get a better look at the flower. The soft petals shimmered slightly in the light, the only indication that it was made by magic rather than naturally, and it continued to bloom directly before her eyes.

"Only took you three months," Kessia quipped with a grin.

Cryo scowled, though his gaze was still bright with excitement. "It's harder than it looks."

Kessia rolled her eyes, but since she had no magic herself, she truly had no idea how hard it might be. A pang of longing shot through her chest as she watched Cryo raise his other hand and summon a rose in that one as well, his smile growing further.

Even after eight years of living among the fae who, like Cryo, could wield the elements, it continued to grate her nerves that she had common blood in her veins, blood that inhibited her from possessing magic. And while Kessia gazed up at the magic wielders in awe, they scowled down at her in disgust.

Cryo seemed to notice her shift in mood since he walked over and pushed her long white hair back over her shoulder, giving himself room to tuck one of the roses behind her ear. His soft smile immediately eased her nerves, as they always had ever since she'd stumbled through the city gates all those years ago. His family had welcomed her in without a second thought, despite the royal family's protests, and made her one of their own. Cryo, and young Lucy who was still tucked away, warm in bed, were her family now.

"We're supposed to meet the others at the Hall for breakfast in a bit. Want to head over together?" Cryo asked, settling down beside her.

"Not going to visit Maelynn first?"

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