Chapter Twenty Nine

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"It's beautiful," Maelynn whispered in awe, her eyes wide as she took in the Underground City.

Cryo nodded in agreement, trailing after the red-haired healer as she wove her way through the Central Plaza, all too distracted to focus on what they were really doing – looking for news of Nightfell passing through.

He didn't have the nerve to tell her to focus, though. He never did, not with her. Maelynn's mind was prone to wander. She was easily fascinated and had to learn how it looked, felt, sounded and smelt. It was a trait he rather enjoy about her, but one they couldn't afford right now.

"They have such beautiful statues," she remarked, heading off in that direction.

Cryo reached out and snagged her waist, tugging her towards him. "We can look later, okay?" he said with small smile. "We need to sweep the plaza first."

Maelynn looked posed to argue, but she glanced down to where Cryo was holding her waist gently and pink rose to her freckled cheeks. "Sorry," she murmured, pulling herself from his grip. She cleared her throat and looked ahead, a determined look on her face. "I'll focus."

"I know," Cryo said, even though he knew it would only be a matter of seconds before something else caught her eye. The thought made him shake his head, laughing under his breath.

Footsteps approached from behind and Cryo glanced back over his shoulder, watching as Ghys approached, one hand gripping the strap of his cross, which was slung across his back.

"Nothing outside the plaza," he said as he came up beside Cryo, wiping his brow with the fabric of his tunic. "Gods, is it ever hot down here."

Cryo had to agree. He had never sweat so much in his life. He'd thought that it would be cooler underground, but Maelynn had explained the complicated manner in which the earth wielders created small cracks that allowed warm air to filter down from above, warming the city.

They continued to weave their way through the plaza, avoiding the heavy stares that followed them everywhere they went. It was their garments that gave them away. The citizens of the Underground City all wore flowy silks that allowed them to stay cool, while Cryo, Maelynn and Ghys were wrapped in heavy cloaks.

Maelynn pointed out a few flowers growing in pots along the way, explaining their healing qualities, or their not so friendly ones. When she was inspecting a certain vine with bright orange flowers, Cryo flicked his wrist, watching as the flowers extended out towards her. She startled at first but then peeked back at him, smiling warmly.

"Have you kissed her yet?' Ghys asked quietly as they trailed her.

Cryo shot him a look. "Seriously? This again?"

Ghys grinned and said, "Well, everything is my business when it comes to my friends. So?"

"No," Cryo said, rolling his eyes. "I haven't."

"And why not?"

"Can we drop it?"

Ghys groaned. "Come on, give me something."

"I just don't want to rush things, okay?"

"Oh, my apologies," Ghys drawled, dark eyes flickering with mischief. "I didn't realize fourteen years of pining was considered short."

Cryo shoved him with his shoulder, nearly sending him tumbling into a flowerpot. Maelynn spun around, lips pursed in confusion, and asked, "What're you two bickering about?"

"Nothing," Cryo grumbled, glaring at his friend.

They continued on in silence, Ghys snickering every so often. Once they'd gone around the entire plaza, Ghys braced his hands on his hips and furrowed his brows.

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