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An alarm blares in your ears, bringing you to a choking breath. You clutch at your throat, feeling as if you had been deprived of oxygen for too long. Underneath you is the bottom of the metal cage holding you, and is all you can grasp at to try to steady yourself. Looking below you, you find only an abyss, so you figure it must have been minutes since it began its ascend.

Where were you?

Gears turned, metal grinding together in an ear-piercing screech. It felt as though you were rising for hours, though you only just woke up. It's shaking kept you swaying, so you use the boxes to the right of you to pull yourself up.

How did you get here? Where are you going?

With a sudden, unnerving lurch, the elevator shaft sped up, slamming you to the ground effortlessly. You shook with anxiety, feeling certain it would send you straight to the heavens themselves with its speed.

It was then that the smell of product and the uneven sway of the shaft encouraged disorientation, keeping you from keeping a straight line of thought. You felt yourself drift in and out of nausea and greying out. After what seemed to be another few minutes of steading your racing mind and swaying body, the box finally groaned to a halt at the top.

What was waiting for you here? There were no doors in sight.

As if answering your thoughts, a splitting of light spilled into the darkness of your cage. You lift a hand above your eyebrows, squinting as the light and therefore the ceiling expanded to the side. This was when you recognized human voices, and a particular word echoing in your mind:

Your name was (Y/N).

Suddenly, the voices quieted. In the adjustment of your eyes, you find a looming group of individuals, bewildered and with a sort of curiosity. Your mouth agape, eyebrows furrowed, you follow the movements of a certain boy, one with dark skin and a shirt that accentuated his build. He is crouching down, seemingly analyzing your reaction.

"W...Where- No. What the hell?" Your voice surprises you, and you hear a choir of laughter from above.

The boy jumps into the box, hand outstretched, a smirk plastered on his face from your rather blunt entrance.

"Hey there, name's Alby. Welcome to the Glade, Greenie." You accepting his helping hand initiated a cheer amongst the others, but your wary eyes remained unwavering.


Alby spent the rest of the afternoon showing you the ropes, from divided responsibilities to the maze itself. He quickly gained your respect and trust, being reassuring yet realistic in your new home.

"I understand it's a lot, and it's even more frustrating to not know who you are, let alone why you were sent up with us. You will have more than enough time to adjust, and even to find ya place, but should ya run into any issues, you know where to find me." He smiled knowingly, and you scoff.

"Yea, I can't imagine how difficult it would be to find anyone with this box of a Glade." You grin back.

The sun sets following the return of who you know understand to be the Runners. Alby is the one to lead you to the firepit being prepared for your welcoming ceremony, though you don't suppose it is such a celebration as it is a period of mourning.

Scanning the Glade, it is difficult not to feel fear the reality of your situation. How safe could you be in an environment of only boys with these walls encompassing you all? It was all you could think about as you approached the now bonfire growing in flame and crowd. Boys laugh and dance all around you, enjoying their monthly period of "letting go". Rather than join them, you approach a sitting log, relaxing your body against it as you ate the dinner made by the kid you now know to be Frypan. He was a kind, unassuming fellow, cracking jokes in an attempt to ease your nerves in your first few hours here.

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