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Days seem to pass as you lay in the grass behind the walls, the ones that were set to open back up in just a few moments. Gally is there, preparing for the worst, as were many other Gladers who gathered in the early morning. Contrary to the worried looks of the others, you refused to jump to conclusions. You could not fathom the thought of losing any of them, not your friend, not your boyfriend, not even the kid just introduced to the lot. They were just here, here within arms reach. Your eyes simply bore into the split growing by the groan and grind of the walls. Once opened, those of you that gathered meet only the empty walls of the maze, the sway of vines and moss sing in the eerie silence of this morning. 

You only scramble to your feet when there's a sliver of movement beyond the vines, in the distance. It's then that you see the trio, Minho and Thomas struggling with a still unconscious Alby. Once assisted into the Med-Jack Hut, you and Jeff both see the deathly mark creeping up his neck. 

"Stung. . . he's been stung." You shake as you cut open the fabric of his blood and dirt-stained top, feeling tears brim in anger. 

You don't even bother to dress the sting itself, merely clean him up and get him damp towels for the ever rising fever. It pained you to see him like this, so helpless against something that only the Creators could be damned for. You allow tears to roll down your face as soon as the Keepers, Second-in-Command, and Thomas attend a Gathering in the Homestead. Gally of course was the one to have called it, being the hot-headed, cautious brother you came to know. In all honesty, you were grateful for Thomas helping Minho and Alby. Without that impulsive decision, you would have lost them both. 

You are replacing a damp towel on Alby's forehead when a familiar blaring alarm echoes throughout the maze. The box. There's an uneasiness brewing in the pit of your stomach, recognizing that the premature delivery would be nothing good. Rushing out of the hut, the Keepers are already halfway to the box, running with an urgent curiosity. There is a Glader trying to keep up with them, but slows to a stop a few feet out in front of you. It's Newt, meeting your gaze when he realizes you are looking at his leg, the one he had been limping on quite often more recently. You look up, finding a rather unreadable expression on his face, when you remember how you had been sobbing into your arms earlier, above your unconscious and rather sickly boyfriend. 

You rush to wipe away the remaining tears as he resumes his jog to the box, and you follow close behind once regaining composure. Everyone is looming over the box again, similar to the day you arrived. Newt jumps in the box, an incredulous look painting his face before saying, 

"It's a girl."


"We don't even know what this stuff is," Newt turns to you and the newest Glader, Teresa.

"We don't know who sent it, why it came up with you." He accuses further, before turning to you.

"You haven't even met the girl before recently, and now ya wanna shoot our Leader up with it?" 

Grabbing the vile from Newt, you sneer at him, "At least she has something to offer here. I don't see anyone else bringin' anythin' to the table. He's dying.

A pause settles amongst the group, when Newt finally nods ahead, finding no alternative to the situation. You walk back to Alby's side, raising the solution before slamming down to his chest. Only, you don't make contact. Alby awakens with a quick growl, gripping onto your wrist with a strength hard enough to make you drop the vile onto the cot. He is looking right into your eyes, and you watch his look of pain and betrayal as he looks between you and Thomas with a sort of knowing you both could not understand. 

"Alb-" you start, whimpering at his crushing grip, he was hurting you.

"You shouldn't be here, you both shouldn't be here." 

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⏰ Last updated: May 29 ⏰

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