I'm Feelin' Hot To The Touch

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Quick note: I may have made some mistakes in this. And i may have not edited it. Oops.~


He was just like everyone else, Sam realized. Every therapist Samantha has ever been to were all the same. And yet she wished, hoped, that Dr. Stone would be different. That wasn't the case while he stared at her with judgment in his eyes. As she explained her fears and mental anguish, Stone would begin to write these things down, but not before eyeing her cautiously.

"Maybe I'm not..." he clears his throat before folding his hands on top of his notepad. Sam knew where this was going.

"No, Dr. Stone, you told me that I could come to you. That I could-" Sam cut herself off as a lump formed in her throat. "..-trust you."

Nowadays, trust was a major staple in Samantha's life. If you don't have it then forget about being close to her. The woman doesn't trust easily at all and when she does finally let her guard down, it's rare and you better make damn sure you're not being shady.

"Samantha, you just admitted to me how killing Richie felt right. I am not qualified for something like this."

The woman's shoulders sagged. It was like a heavy weight had settled on her chest. Sam hated that feeling.

"Look," Dr. Stone started, "I can recommend you to someone-"

"No." Sam shook her head. "I'm done."

"Wait, Sam don't go." The elder man tried to reason but the woman was already up and placing her bag over her shoulder.

"Thank you but no thank you. If you can't help me then no one can."

The doctor watched helplessly as Sam walked around the chair he was sitting in to get to the front door. And when she passed by him, she didn't miss the way he flinched and shy away from her. An anger flared up in her chest as Samantha gripped the strap to her bag and then left the office.


To say Sam was exhausted would be the understatement of the century. After getting off from both jobs, and the failed session with her now ex therapist, Sam just wanted to go home. Now that she and her little sister, save for the two best friends that tagged along, were in New York, they had planned to try and live a normal life. Of course with some precautions. New York was the ideal place for the sisters, it was crowded and had a lot of opportunities. Except for Sam.

She wasn't even worried about making a life for herself, right now she was plagued with thoughts of murderous intent. And the fear of hurting someone she loved. It's why she holds everyone she meets at arms length until they gain her trust. But even then she's always on edge and skeptical about the person. Call it intuition.

Her little sister, Tara, didn't hold the same turmoil. Instead, she was ready to take life by the balls and make it her bitch. This meant that Sam needed to be extra protective over her, making sure she didn't get mixed up with the wrong crowd or go to parties alone. She didn't want her going to parties at all but Sam wasn't ignorant to believe she could keep Tara from sneaking off. Sometimes Samantha wonders where the hell she gets her lust for life because it definitely wasn't from their mother.

The apartment came into view for Sam as she lifted her head up and spotted the light coming from the window on her floor. The sigh that she let loose was heavy and honestly the poor woman really could use a bit of a break.

After she found herself inside and checked the mail down on the main floor, Samantha took the stairs at a slow pace. She wasn't in any hurry. But it did give her time to ponder on what she should do for the rest of the evening. Finding a new therapist would come after.

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