Im such an ass

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Jake's pov...

God I'm an ass. I can't believe that I lichened to Sam about this. I know that I liked Bella when we were small but for a really long time Ari was the only one I could think about. I thought about her night and day. She was the reason for all the smiling that I did...

But then I changed and wasn't alowed to see her. I hate Sam for this. And then I saw her on the beach and locked eyes with her, my hole world changed. It was like there was steal wires keeping me to only her. Making me only exist to be there for her.

She was now my reason for living, and I had treated her like I didn't care about her anymore. She looked so mad, but I could see all the hurt in her eyes. God I felt my heart break for being the reason my reason for living to be sad. I tried to call her several times after she ran away. But she was to mad at me. But I would be mad at me to, hell I was really mad at myself.

I talked briefly with Charlie. God he sounded mad and hurt to. But I understood. I was hurting his girl. A girl that meant the world to me. I was just glad that since I imprinted on her, I could tell her everything.

So that's what I was going to do. If she would talk to me though. But I would keep trying. Even if I was only able to get her back as a friend for a looong time. That was what I was going to take as long as she was in my life, I could breathe.

I stood outside her room door now, and waited for her to open, but she didn't even answer.

"Ari, please...... Just let me explain.... I have a reason Ari, please just talk to me. I was going to come and talk to you tomorrow (i lied) but I saw you and knew I had to do it now. Please Ari" I felt like crying and I think that some evil tears had escaped anyway. I heard her move around in there and after her standing in front of the door for minutes she opened it up just a tiny bit. She looked at me and her eyes got huge. Hmm maybe more that a few had escaped then. I looked down. Afraid she would tell me to leave.

"Just for a bit. But I want all the answers. I don't want you to lie to me." I nodded my head real fast so if I wasn't what I was now I would have been dizzy as hell.

I sat beside her on her bed at looked at her. I felt really glad to be next to her, but I could still see the hurt in her eyes, and that made me more sad. I was the cause off all this.

"Ari. I have a lot to tell you, but will you please lichen to everything before saying anything?" I asked her. She nodded slowly, but hesitantly.

I breathed in and out a couple of times. I was afraid that ones she knew she would hate me and never waned to talk to me again.

"Okay...... To start things of, I am really sorry of the way I have been behaving lately, if I had, had a choice I would have done differently........ You see, the world you live in aren't normal, there are things out there that not many knows about..... You see, uhm.... Okay.... I'm not normal Ari, Ive changed, and I didn't want to but didn't have a choice. You see, Uhm some of us.... Uhm... Dammit.... Do you remember the stories I told you and Bella at the beach??" She nodded but looked kind of pale.

"Yes I remember. But Jake, I know not all of the people out there are well. People" She whispered. WHAT!!!! SHE KNEW

"You know what I am?" I choked.

"Well maybe. I know what Edward and his family is, and you made me see it, but you are from La Push and so you have to be the other part. But what I don't understand is. Why weren't you allowed to tell me. And why are you suddenly here after avoiding me for so long...."  Hmm well I could understand that.

"You know. You are really smart to be able to get everything in, and seeing things. I have always thought that you saw to much.

Ari, I wasn't allowed because Sam is alpha and I have to do what he says. I didn't know that I would imprint on you so I wasn't allowed to be near you in case that I would hurt you, like he had hurt Leah. And well after it happened, after I changed, we didn't know that I would be better at this than Sam  and he had been this for years now. And well when it happened at the beach I just knew that I had to get you back, you are the reason I was born" I rushed out, I wasn't even sure that she understood what I was trying to tell her.

She looked at me for a long long time. I began to worry, when she jumped up and started to hit me. I quickly took her hands in mine, I didn't want her to get hurt.

"Ari you will hurt yourself, please talk to me. What can I do" I cried out.

"You, you, you........ You said you loved me before you went AWOL and then you come back here and say that you imprinted on me. What the hell Jake. You are giving me no choice here. What the hell do you expect from me."

"Ari, I can be what you want me to be, but please don't ask me to leave you alone, I would have to if that's what you want Ari. But I promice that I won't do anything to hurt you ever again. I will be for you what ever you need. I will do what ever I have to do to make you happy....... Please Ari...."

I was almost crying. Dam Im a man for the love of god. But for her, I would cry a 1000 rivers if it meant I could keep her.

I waited for a long time, but what I didn't see coming was......

She kissed me...... SHE KISSED ME!!!


Bella's sister. (A Twilight story - a Jacob imprint) compleatedWhere stories live. Discover now