I did not think this could ever happen to me.

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Edwards POV.... (Hope you like)

I was sitting in the woods, looking out on the horizon.

I have had a long night, earlier today I had this weird feeling that today would change my life. I had a hard time figuring out what would be the cause of it.

I was so frustrated that I had more blood this afternoon that I normally would have. But The feeling deep inside of me told me that it wasn't enough.

But I was so full that I almost felt sick. Damn. Well I just had to live with it, there was nothing I could do if I didn't know what the reason behind it was.

I started to head home, before we would go to school. Yet another day of boredom and wishing that I could sleep. But yet again the disappointment of the day started.

There was nothing to do about it so on with the show I thought.

I got home and changed my clothes, there was not much to do so I was ready in no time. I got in the car and waited for the others.

Alice and Jasper got here first. They got in and I could here Alice's thought. 'Are you alright Edward, you seem tense.?'

I nodded slowly but I think that she saw through it, but didn't push on the matter, she new me so well.

'Okay Edward, but just know that I'm here' Again I just nodded.

I saw that they looked at each other silently talking. No thoughts were heard. But I saw Alice nod at him, and somehow I knew that they were talking about me. Hmm was I that obvious??? HMMM perhaps.

Rose and Em came in just after that thought. Em in the front with me and Rose next to Alice. I started the car and closed my mind from them so I could have some peace.

We got to the school and we all got out of the car. There were a lot of talking and thought about to new students, siblings it seamed.. I wonder on what the thing was about them. There were a lot of boys thinking and talking about nailing them as they say. And girls were jealous and some waned to be their friend, some of them were genuine and some not. I can't stand those people that think they are better than others. And using others to gain what they want. God I'm glad that I don't have to stoop so low.

We got our papers and went to class. Alice, Jasper and I had ad history together as the first class. We sat in the back, and talked low so only we could hear. The other students came in and sat down. There was a new student that started out by standing and looking for a seat. There was only one left in front of Alice, so she got in the seat but looked down the entire time. She must be shy. I tried to lichen to her thoughts, but it seamed like I was lichening to it under water. I was really confused. I tried to push harder but the harder I tried to more quiet it went. Like she was blocking her mind from me. That was so weird. I got really frustrated. Jasper gave me a look and calmed me a bit. I nodded to him and he looked up just as the teacher came in.

The teacher talked about a new student and the girl in front of us were told to stand at the teacher desk and introduce herself.

"Hi, my name is Ariella, I moved her just recently with my sister Bella. She is older than me but we have most of the same classes. I just got a tiny bit more brain and she got the looks" She took a breath like she needed it for confidence. most of the students here were silently talking that the sister must be hell of a looker if she got the looks. I must agree on that, Ariella was a beautiful human, so if her sister got the looks of the to, then she must be gorgeous. I smiled softly to my thoughts. Yet got mad at myself, I could not think like that. I looked up just as she talked again.

"Uhmm Hobey's are painting, reading, being with my sister who is my best friend. Almost like a mom but still wery much a sister. She is always there. Uhmm yea We live with our father that I guess that all of you know as Chief Swan. (She grinned at that thought) I'm a daddy's girl, where Bella is just her own. But still likes both of our parent's, she is just more quiet then me. Witch says a lot. (She giggled at that, but really low so I think only we could hear)

Bella's sister. (A Twilight story - a Jacob imprint) compleatedWhere stories live. Discover now