La Push

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I was looking out my window, thinking about all the things that has happened lately.

Bella and Edward are together, and things between them are going a bit fast, but I understand.

I haven't seen Jacob for 3 weeks. He won't answer my calls and even Quill and Embry won't answer ether.

So I have been real sad lately.

Today I just thought of going to the beach. Even if they apparently didn't want to be my friend anymore, they couldn't keep me away from the beach.

So I hurriedly got ready.

When I arrived there I saw them all with the other men we saw last time.

I felt sad but I could treat them just like they treated me. So I looked away and just sat and looked over the water. I always loved to look at the water.

Suddenly a ball flew past my head. I just sighed and pretended not to notice.

"Hey could you trough the ball back" a guy called.

I just continued to stare at the water. I didn't want to talk to any of them.

"Hey, are you deff or something?" He shouted again. Idiot....

"Oh Paul shut up, that's Ari, you idiot." Jake said. But like I wasn't supposed to hear him.

Humph. I got up and kicked the ball as hard as I could and it hit Jake in the head. I almost laughed out loud. But I was still really mad. He looked over at me and our eyes connected. His eyes got huge. But I didn't care. I gave him my hateful glare and just turned around and left.

When I was just a couple of minutes away from home my phone rang. I looked at it and saw it was Jake. I didn't answer. He could get the same treatment that he has given me.

I got home and the home phone rang. Dad stood up to get it.

"Dad if its Jake, I'm not here. I don't want to talk to him" dad knew about the treatment I have been given so he just nodded.

"Charlie speaking" he said. "Ah hello Jake, what can I do for you?....... Well I could if I would...... No... Well that is your own fault Jake and you know that... I will not help you with this... Yea sure.... Okay.... No you can do that.... Yes okay, say hi to Billy... Okay bye Jake.."

He looked at me, with sad but understanding eyes. "I'm sorry pumpkin he will stop by in an hour. He waned me to talk to you but I would not take his side in this. He has to clean his own mess. "

I grinned at him. "Well he can do that to a closed door then. " dad laughed. And went back to the tv.

Bella's sister. (A Twilight story - a Jacob imprint) compleatedWhere stories live. Discover now