2 years later.......

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  • Dedicated to to all the readers. <3

I was running around in panic. How on earth had we all missed the signs. Now that I was thinking about things, I could really see them. Hmm maybe they had but didn't want to say anything to me. But I was a hybrid to I would be able to hear a lot, but for there to go over 2 months before I knew, how in the!!!

Well as you can proboply tell, im pregnant. I was just finished at the doctor. Carlisle wasn't home and I knew he was bizzy, so I went to another. God I almost fell to my knees. I was expecting twins and was 10 weeks along. Holy crap. But okay, I was 18 almost 19. I would have my birthday in 3 weeks. So I was old enough.

I hurried home and Jake and Seth was sitting and talking to Edward and Bella.....
I jumped in Jakes lap and whispered 'I'm pregnant' into his ear. I knew the others could hear, but gave us a moment anyway.

 He froze, while looking me into my eyes. Seconds ticked by, and a huge grin came on to his gorgeous face. I couldn't help but smile back.

"Really. When? How long..? Really" He choked out....

"Yes really babe. Its twins, And I'm 10 weeks along, so there is about 6 months left. Since I am what I am, It will be just under the norm for a full human. Maybe 5 months but it should be around 6 more months. " I smiled hugely at him. I really waned to do this for him. He would be such a good father. I just know he would be.

He hugged me tight and I snuggled into his hot body and just thought about everything, while the others and Jake began talking again.
I think Edward told the others that I didn't lichen to what either one of them were saying. I couldn't help but picture a mini Jake or to. I wouldn't mind. Of course it could be cute with a tiny girl to. With dark skin and brown eyes, and a smile to dye for. Screaming 'Daddy daddy' trying to run after Jake outside, while I was playing peak a boo with Jakie or what we would name him.
Hmm yea I loved that picture in my head.
I snuggled closer to Jake and just breathed in and out slowly.
Soon I was out like a light. You really got sleepy when you were in such loving warm arms........

5½ months later.....

"Ahhhhhh God dammit Jake, I swear this is all your fault." I screamed...
I was in Carlisle's office and about to push the first one out.

We had found out to weeks later that it was a boy and a girl. The boy would be William Aki Black and the girl would be Sara Bella Black.

God this hurt.... Jake was holding my left hand, he looked like he hurt more than I did, but I guess that it's the imprint. It makes them hurt to see us hurt. Soo.... He was trying to smile at me and looked sheepish. Yea mr, this is your fault... Your swimmers should just have stayed away!!! But even though it really hurt. I knew I would never regret having them. I would go trough worse pain to have them. Walk trough fire for them......

Bella was holding my other hand while Edward was assisting Carlisle. Since there was to..... Esme was waiting to clean them up. Well the first one at least. Edward would take the other one.

One huge and painful push later, and there was a huge wail and crying... I breathed in relief.

"A huge baby boy, well done Ari" Carlisle said. "One to go. When you feel the need to push again you start, okay" He said. I nodded exhausted. I looked to Bella and she handed me an ice-cube. God why couldn't I just drown their water supply. I thought sourly... I heard Edward chuckle, and glared at him.

12 minutes later and my girl was out..... I was handed both of them and looked down at them feeling so much love swell in me. Oh they were just beautiful. No they were beyond that. They were gorgeous and so so cute.

"Welcome to the world, my sweet sweet babies" I whispered and kissed their heads...

I looked up at Jake to see his beautiful smile, and him leaning down to kiss them to, and to lean up and kiss me sweetly.

Now everything was perfect. Life was finaly perfect.........

The end......

Bella's sister. (A Twilight story - a Jacob imprint) compleatedWhere stories live. Discover now