Chapter 1-The Nightmares-

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I was having a picnic with my mom at the park, we were waiting for my dad to get there so we can have fun as a family, I ran over to my mom telling her about a dog I had seen in the treeline, she said "Hold on for a moment, tell me get my purse then we can go see the dog together" I should have waited but I didn't wait. I ran ahead and got close to the dog, it started growling, its fur was jet black and it wasn't happy.

The dog lunged at me, it started clawing, tearing and biting at my face and body, one of its claws ripped out my right eye, I was screaming and crying for someone to help me. My mom ran over to me, she managed to get the dog off me, but it went after her next, it ripped her open, ripping out her organs, my father got there soon after the dog left, I passed out after that from shock and blood loss. I heard my dads voice echoing in the darkness, he was crying over my mother, he blamed me for her death, calling me a monster and the reason she died.

I jolted awake, looking around my room just to see I was back in my bed, in my room in the Addison Apartment building, I was relieved but also stressed that I was back, I heard the TV going in the living meaning my father was either home and awake or he passed out on the couch, I was hoping he was asleep. I hadn't noticed that I had been crying, I reached up and touched my face, I wiped away my tears but I heard the voices ringing my head yet again, they said such awful things.

I slowly sat up in my bed, my cat Gizmo was curled up in a ball at the foot of my bed sleeping, he was adorable. I reached over to my nightstand, opened the drawer and pulled out a small box from it. I slowly slid down off my bed, now sitting on the floor, I opened the small box and took out a razor blade, I stared at it for a moment, then voices got louder.. "It was all your fault" "You killed her" "You're a monster" "Nobody will ever love a monster like you" "You should just kill yourself, nobody will miss you" "If anyone saw your face, they'd laugh at you" "They all would laugh at you"

I started crying as I was trying so hard not to let the voices control me but I held the razor close my old scars on my arm and I starting slicing my skin, I watched as the beads of blood started to drip down, it hurt but it also felt good, it was a release. I cut myself several times, each time hurt less and less, I then threw the razor to the floor and started crying again. I slowly got up and walked to my bedroom door, I slowly opened the door and peaked out, seeing my father Henry passed out on the couch with beer bottles surrounding it, I sighed in relief before making my way to the bathroom where I ran warm water over the fresh cuts, I winced as the water hit my wounds.

After my wounds were cleaned, I went back to my room, grabbing the Walkie-Talkie my best friend Larry had given me, I looked at the clock, it was 2:36 AM so I debated whether or not to try to talk to him but I did it anyway because I needed him right now so I pressed the talk button "Hey Larry, you awake?" I then heard the static of someone talking and then heard his voice "Sal? Do you know what time it is? What's up little dude, is everything okay?" it sounded raspy but also kind of hot 'wait, what? I shouldn't think about something like that, he's my best friend' it took me a bit to respond to him, I shook off what I n was thinking about and said "I'm sorry if I woke you up Larry.. I just really need someone to talk to right now.."

Larry spoke in a gentle manor "Hey little dude, I'm always here for you, why don't you come down here and we can talk, I'll leave the door unlocked for you" I quickly respond to him "Alright, I'll be right down" *I quickly got dressed, throwing on a pair of baggy black jeans, they were worn out in the knees I also throw on a Sanity's Fall sweatshirt then I slipped my shoes on before putting my prosthetic, listening to the satisfying -click- -click- of my prosthetics buckles. I grabbed my bag, shoving my walkie-talkie and a few things in my bag like some clothes and my medication I need.

After I was set, I let Gizmo out of my room before slowly making my way to the front, checking to see if my father was still asleep, he was thankfully, I then opened the front door and quietly slipped out into the hallway then heading for the elevator, sliding my key card in, the elevator started playing some music as it went down to the basement level where Larry and his mom's apartment was, when the elevator got down there, it dinged as the doors slide open, I stepped and walked to Larry's apartment door.

I slowly opened the door and went inside, closing the door behind me and locking it just to be safe, I quietly head towards Larry's room, I could see the light shining from under his door meaning, he was wide awake now, I knocked softly on his door then went inside the room, and there was Larry, he was sitting on his stool in front of his easel painting something, I closed the door and went over to him.

Larry looked over at me as I entered the room "Hey Sal, you look so long that I decided to paint for a bit" Larry got up from his seat went over to a couple beanbags his had by his TV and sat down, patting the one beside him, I went over and plopped down next him "So, did you have another nightmare again" I nodded softly "Same one as before, the one with your mom and the dog?" I nodded again at Larry's question before I knew he pulled me into a hug.

"It's gonna be okay dude, I promise and beside you always have me around to talk to" this made me smile and blush a little bit under my mask "Thanks Larry, I needed that.." we stayed like this for a while until I sat up and yawned a bit I was tired but didn't want to fall asleep in case I had another nightmare so I started playing with my hair a bit then Larry spoke "You wanna smoke a bit? That always puts me to sleep" I looked over at Larry, remembering the last time we smoked together.

I laughed a little bit thinking about it "Hey, what's so funny over there?" Larry was looking at me confused "Dude, I remember the last time we smoked together, you were such a goofball and it was so funny" I laughed a bit more before I heard Larry huff a bit "I bet if I tickle you it won't be funny" Larry tackled me and started tickling me, I started squirming around trying to hold in my laughter but I caved and started laughing "Okay Okay, you win!" Larry laughed a bit before letting me go "Dude, you're so fun to tickle and tease" Larry kept laughing a bit before I grabbed a pillow off the floor and threw it at him, we both started laughing at this point.

After a bit of laughing Larry got up and went to his dresser and started digging through one of the drawer and pulled out a bong and some blunts, he brought it over to the beanbags and light one of the blunts, taking a hit then passing it over to me, I took unbuckled the bottom buckle of my prosthetic, moving it to the side slightly to show my mouth, I then took a big hit from the blunt, I held it in for a few seconds then let out a big cloud of smoke.

Larry and I smoked for a while, laughing and making jokes, I passed out after a few hours of us just smoking and talking, my head fell to the side, landing in Larry's lap and for first in forever I slept peacefully with no nightmares, just the warmth from Larry's body to keep my nightmares away.

(1460 words)

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