Chapter 3-Golden Eyes and Sharp Claws-

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  After we had gotten back to the apartments Larry led me to the back of the apartment where the tree house his dad built was, we went up the ladder and sat on the beanbags just talking about how shitty today has been. "Man, Travis is such a prick, I just wanted to bash his face in." I looked at Larry a bit shocked but I brushed it off, knowing Larry he's like this when it comes to Travis.

Larry soon got up and went over to cabinet and took out a blanket, tossing it over to me then grabbing some cans of beer, tossing one to me which I happily cracked open and began to drink it while Larry when back to his beanbag, chugging his beer like it was nothing, I chuckled a bit "Woah, slow down there Lar, I know today was stressful but you don't need to chug that" all the response I got from Larry was that same growl like sound from before, I was growing more suspicious.

As night grew closer Larry started drinking more and more as if he was getting nervous about something, he kept looking out the window at the sky 'I wonder what he's so worried about' I thought to myself as I got up and went over to him and nudged his shoulder a bit "Hey Fuck Nugget, are you alright, you seem worried or nervous" Larry looked at me with a shrug "I don't know man, today was just really stressful for me I guess" I nodded in response to what he said.

The sun started to go down which I saw Larry become even more nervous then he turned to me and in a nervous and frantic voice he spoke "Sal, I think you should inside, I might stay out here a bit longer and smoke a bit, I know how much you hate the cold" I just looked at him, a little worried now so I placed my arm on his arm "Hey, I'm not going anywhere until you tell me what's wrong, you've been acting weird all day"

"Sal, I just really need you to go inside. I can't say much, I just need you to trust me." I was about to go inside before I noticed Larry looking at the sky, to be more specific, the moon. It was a full moon tonight but that seemed to scare Larry for some weird reason. Larry Suddenly hunched over and started groaning in pain. I went to him and tried to see what was wrong but got shoved away by Larry, he looked at me and I immediately crawled back a tiny bit.

Larry's eyes were glowing a bright golden color and for the first time I felt afraid of my best friend "Sal.. Run.. please.." I wouldn't leave Larry when he was clearly in a lot of pain, I slowly went over to him and sat near him, he crawled himself into a corner, he started growling and whimpering in pain, I could what sounded like his bones breaking, I watched in horror as his form slowly shifted from human to giant beast with razor sharp teeth and claws, glowing yellow eyes and brown fur.

Larry turned to me and could mutter a word "Run.." My eyes widened as the creature dashed towards me, I quickly scrambled for the ladder, I climbed down and started running, the creature jumped down and chased after me, I was so scared, I didn't know where to go or where to hide, I just kept running for my life, I ran to the woods and hid behind a tree.

The creature kept following me but it went past the tree I hiding behind, I watched with fearful eyes as the creature started walking away, I went to run again but I stepped on a twig and it snapped under my weight, the creature turned its head towards me, I started backing away from it slowly, with every step I took it took two steps towards, I then turned started running once again.

After some more running, I tripped over a rock and tumbled to the ground, smacking my head hard enough to knock myself out, I must have been out for a while, I heard movement around, the sound of someone walking or an animal but when I came to I was in Larry's room, I heard yelling coming from the living room, it sounded like Larry and his mom Lisa were fighting.

I slowly got out of bed and headed for the door, I opened it a bit so I could listen in on what they were saying "You shifted in front of him! Are you out of your mind Larry! You could have killed him!" Lisa seemed really pissed off "I was telling him to run but he wasn't listening to me! I know I could have killed him but I didn't!" From where I was both Larry and Lisa's eyes were glowing that golden color. I took a step back and tried to quietly shut the door but failed so I hurried back to the bed and tried to pretend to be asleep.

I could hear someone come into the room and walk over to me. By the sound of their breathing, I knew it was Larry "Sal, I know you're awake, we need to talk about this." I sigh and slowly sit up and look up at Larry, he seemed pissed off but also sad "I won't tell anyone I swear!" I was still a little afraid of Larry after seeing what he turned into last night.

"Sal.. what you did was very dangerous.. I could have killed you.. And I know what you saw was shocking but I need you to have an open mind okay?" I just stared at Larry in shock a little in fear but I nodded a little, Larry sat down on the bed, leaning his elbows on his legs "So, where do I start with this" Larry looked over at me, I jumped a bit "I am what my mom and I call lycanthrope.. Also known as a-" I cut Larry off at that last part "A werewolf...?" Larry looked at me with a sad expression "Yes.. every month I turn into that creature you saw.. I'm so sorry you had to see that" Larry looked down but I sat, going over to him and hugging him tightly which surprised him a bit.

"It's alright Larry.." I felt him wrap his arms around me and he just held me in his arms for a while until he cracked a joke "At least we don't have to go to school today" We both laughed before we just sat there talking and listening to each other, every time Larry spoke I noticed his teeth were slightly pointed and his ears were as well, he noticed me staring "Mom called the school and said we had food poisoning, I become that thing three times a month, back to back so my features stay like this for a while"

After that we just kept talking and enjoying each others company, the fact that my best friend was a werewolf didn't seem to bother me very much, I guess we're both a couple of monsters.

(1209 words)

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