Chapter 6-Family Troubles-

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---This chapter is back in Sal's POV---

It was getting dark out which meant it was almost time for Larry to go outside but I got an angry text from my father demanding I come home right now I looked at Larry and showed him the text, the text seemed to piss him off a bit "You are not going up there Sal." Sighs a bit "Larry.. If I don't go up there he'll get even more pissed off.."

Larry growled a bit before nodding "You're so lucky I love you Sal" Larry kisses me deeply "But if I smell blood or if I hear anything, I will come running to you" I nod before hugging him tightly before getting off the bed I then start dressed but I feel something rub against my rear, I look behind me to see Larry grinding against me "Larry, I know you want me to stay but I can't stay, you know how my father is, he'll do something worse if I don't hurry"

I gave Larry another kiss on the lips before grabbing my bag and heading to elevator, I pressed the button to go up and once the elevator got to me I got inside pressed the button for the fourth floor, it started going up and once it got to my floor I got out and went to my apartment, I didn't even touch the knob as my father rips opens the door, clearly very drunk, he grabbed me by the wrist and yanked me inside, throwing me to the floor

My father slammed the door shut and glared down at me "You are a disgusting disgrace to this family. You didn't have to walk in here to smell that disgusting boy on you!" My father proceeded to grab me by the hair and drags me to my room, throwing me inside. My head hit my dresser hard enough that my mask cracked and fell to the floor in two pieces. "How could that boy even love you? You're a freak, a monster!" Henry slapped me across the before grabbing me by the throat and holding me now "You're better off dead." I was struggling a lot just trying to get free.

I tried kicking and punching but to no avail, the moon was rising so Larry was no help right now but I kicked a nearby dresser causing a lamp to fall onto my father's head making him let go of me, I scrambled to get up. I tried to run out the door but my father grabbed my ankle causing me to trip, I looked back at my father before using my other foot to kick my father in the face making him let go.

I quickly got up and ran out the front door and down the fire escape once I got near the bottom but noticed the ladder missing, I looked up just see my father running down the fire escape so I had no choice, I jumped and I landed on the ground with a sickeningly sounding crack from my ankle, I wasn't towards the tree house yelling out for Larry "Larry! Larry help!"

I got to the base of the tree, I looked up to see a pair of golden eyes staring down at me, I was afraid but also really happy to see those beautiful eyes "Larry.. My father.. He hurt me.. And my ankle hurts really bad.." Larry climbed down from the tree house, sniffing me a bit but then I saw my father, he froze when seeing the giant beast next to me "Sal! Get over here now!" *The only thing I did was grip onto Larry's leg as he growled at my father.

"Please Larry.. Don't hurt my father.. He's just drunk." Larry turns to face me, sniffing my body before stopping at my neck and letting out a low growl as he sniffed the bruise my father had left on my neck, he turned to face my father while growling but I just clung to Larry's leg just trying to stop him and it worked, Larry stopped and looked at me.

Larry snapped at my father, scaring him a bit so he would back off before Larry decided to curl around me, I snuggled into his fur "Please don't eat me Larry.. I'm trusting you right.." I curled myself into a ball and soon fell asleep.

(730 words)

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