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Let's get a few things out of the way.

First and foremost, this story is old, cringe, and convoluted. It's like a bad manga on its 300th chapter; it gets repetitive and tedious to read through. There is a total of 69 chapters of this cringe. Do not take this notice lightly; you have been warned.

Secondly, I was in my edge lord phase at this time. It will be extremely obvious when you see it.

Third, yes, the characters from this story did get shuffled around into their current iterations in the profile fic. There's a possibility the current iterations would get an actual fanfic with the updated story beats, but it's not going to happen for a while.

Fourth, some editing will be done for clarity or lack too much context to let slide. Context or author's comments will either be integrated into the actual writing in [brackets] or included as an author's note.

Finally, feel free to dunk on this like I have. I'd be surprised if it even holds up today, TBH. I mainly published this to share with my friends.

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