Chapter 1: Evan's POV

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A/N: Some weird pacing, tonal whiplash, misused words and stereotyping upcoming. For context, I was insecure about the disconnect to my SE/East Asian identity at this time. Hibiki (or rather, Evan) didn't have a soy allergy at this time of development.

[14 years of age]

I could feel the thick liquid of soul resonate. It just happened so fast. So fast, I didn't even know what happened. I don't even remember doing it.

6 years earlier...

The wind of the End felt peaceful. The Chorus fruit plants looked as ripe purple as ever. The Endermen idled as ever. I glared through the purple stained-glass, waiting. I had recently, no, knew the Mob-Player War would eventually come to this large End island.

"Evan! Come downstairs to eat dinner!" my mom yelled. 

Even though there's no time in the End, we still had a thing called "tEcHnOlOgY", in which is awesome & convenient. Some of us Endermen go outside this dimension to observe humans. Occasionally, it's Endermites. Rarely, Shulkers go out since they'll look suspicious. 

Random, but why is the war called "The Mob-Player War" when it should be "The Mob-Human Battle" or "The Battle of the Mobs & Humans"? Then again, Illagers exist.

"Coming [Okāsan]!"

When I came downstairs, I saw my favourite food: sushi. Filled with delight, I gratefully grabbed my chopsticks & dipped the sushi in a little soy sauce. All End mobs must know how to use chopsticks (even if they didn't have hands at the time) to End cuisine correctly.

As my family devours our dinner, my dad & I heard something outside. I caught some gossip about my dad being a mutant Enderman. They also believed that all mutants have a good sense of hearing & smell. I'd honestly call bull-mite on that because if my dad really was one, then why can't he smell hiss own deodorant? [Note: Japanese people typically do not wear deodorant, but that's what the original text said so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯] 

Then again, he wakes up to the slightest sound of an insect. Am I getting too off-topic? Yeah, you're right. Like I have said, though, we definitely heard something. I thought that it was my little brother, but he's right in front of me. 

So, how could that be?

Wait, is that true?

"No, it can't be," my dad's voice hinted fear. "The humans, they're here..."

[A/N: I extra tempted to edit this to hell and back, but I know it will ruin the integrity of the original (even if there wasn't much in the first place). As a result, I've limited myself to light revisions in this "chapter". Bear in mind, this was made by someone who just discovered the wonders of fanficiton and writing in 2018.]

[Creation dates: 10-19 Dec 2018]

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