1 - Toothbrush

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The cold breeze coming from the opened window swept away the blanket covering a certain person's face. Her eyes looked empty, as if dreaming of another world. She barely moved, you would think she had hundreds of thoughts. But little did anyone know, she only had two words dancing in her head.

"I'm fucked"

________________ .

Phones, televisions, internet, games, innovative food, art, school, and a bunch more modern stuff, typical life in the 21st century. A depressed, empty, successful yet pitiful person, typical person in the 21st century. Choking on a toothbrush however, is not a typical death in the 21st century.

Are you asking yourself how anyone could choke on a toothbrush? Cause I am too! A special little girl was killed by an electric toothbrush. She was also asking herself how she managed to do that. Quite impressive honestly!

While we imagine a person choking on a toothbrush. The said person wonders why she isn't in hell yet.

'Where's Satanas? Maybe I didn't die? No, that electric toothbrush definitely killed me.'

She was lost in her thoughts. She asked multiple questions in her head but not a single one was answered. This continued for what felt like forever

She moved, startled by the warm light escaping from the crack of a random door. She blinked as she raised her hands to cover the blinding light.

'Huh.. Am I actually going to heaven??'

The darkness disappeared and a luxurious room surfaced. A silhouette of a tall man appeared in the door

'An angel??'

"My Lady, it's time for breakfast" A deep voice says calmly.


Her vision blurs and as she tries to stand up. Everything around her starts to spin.

"Wh-" Her voice cracks even though she barely said a word. The unfamiliar man quickly cuts her off with a sigh while walking towards her.

"You're already late, My Lady. Can't you do the least of attending the family dinner properly?"

'You're.... rude.'

"How dare-"

"Don't try stirring up trouble again, My Lady. It hasn't been long since your last probation" He calmly said with annoyance.

'Why are you calling me My Lady??'

Her head starts to hurt and her ears start ringing. The man grabs her wrist and pulls her aggressively towards the door.

'What is happening??'

"What-" He cuts her off again with another sigh "Can't you just shut up?" This time, he didn't say it calmly. He was visibly annoyed.

Her body also starts to hurt and her headache worsened. The man let go of her wrist and continued to follow him.

After walking for almost almost 10 minutes, they arrived in front of a door that's even more luxurious than the door of the room she was in.

"Go inside, My Lady" He says with the same calmed voice earlier. He opened the door and she walked in out of reflexes. The bright chandeliers and golden patterns blinded her.

She was unable to notice the people sitting in the long table due to the worsening pain all over her body.

"Sephina, sit down." An even deeper voice called said looking at the frowning girl who was still in her nightgown. He was sitting in the center left of the long table. He was wearing dark luxurious clothes, he had the fiercest aura, and he had the most gray hairs.

One fourth of the table was taken by people who're also unknown to the girl. Their hairs were different shades of browns. Except for the one closest to the old man, she had her blonde hair in an updo, her lips were bright red, and her dress was most elegant.

She barely heard the old man because of the nonstop ringing in her ears.

"Sephina." The old man said with a louder tone. She wasn't able to think clearly so her body moved on its own. She sat on the closest seat and that was the one next to a teen, or a young man with bright brown hair that's almost orange.

The second she sat there; No his eyes didn't shoot daggers, they dropped nukes and missiles. His eyes alone were starting war with her but she didn't notice, she was on the verge of fainting.

She frowned even more as the headaches worsened and worsened. She felt her body going weak and the ringing was getting too loud.

"Sephina, you're starting again. Haven't we talke............."

'Am I dying again???'

"You said you would stop already. I thought you'd change fo.........."

'Are my ears bleeding? Everything's going dark.'

"Sephina, are you even listening? How many tim..............."

'It hurts. Someone's talking to me.'

"SEPHINA!" The old man screamed in anger. The girl hissed at the pain in her ears. She stood up and ran toward the door.

She kept running and running but she had nowhere to go. Tears were forming in her eyes and her vision was blurry.


This should be enough for the first chapter! This is my first time writing haha so it's not very good. Hope you enjoy the next chapter!

Won't spoil you cause even I don't know what happened lol

+ Words inside ' ' are thoughts

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