The Argument

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"You're the one who wanted to be in here Amy, so don't have a go at me for not coming in every day and making you feel lonely".

It had been a month since Amy had moved into the home and Rory hadn't visited her in 4 days.

"It's been 4 days Rory, you think it's easy for me being stuck in here, whilst you go out and have fun with your friends".

"Then why did you even bother coming here?"

"I told you why, to make it easier for you".

"Easy? You think it's easy for me being at home alone with no one to talk to? At least in here there are other residents"

"Then why haven't you come in to visit me?"

"Because I didn't want to!!"

Amy looked at him and teared up before looking down and putting her head in her hands.

"Oh god, Amy, I didn't mean that, I'm sorry" he went over to her and knelt down in front of her wheelchair. "Amy, I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have said that".

She looked at him crying slightly, "it gets so hard in here Rory, without you, and you saying that you didn't want to come and visit me, makes me feel even worse, have you met someone else?"

"Amy, of course not, why would you even think that?"

"Because look at me, I'm hardly...attractive right now, and I can do hardly anything for myself".

"You'll always be attractive to me Amy, and that's all that matters, of course I wanted to visit you, I don't know why I said what I did, but work has just been so so busy recently, and I am so stressed out, I didn't want you to deal with my stress as well".

"I'm sorry for having a go, I guess I got stressed out as well, this chair, and being paralysed, makes me feel so...not sexy, and I thought you felt it too".

Rory stood up and closed the bedroom door, locking it.

"What are you doing?" Amy looked at him, wiping her tears away.

He went back over to her and crouched down in front of her, "showing you how attractive and sexy I find you". He picked her up and lay her on the bed, lying down next to her, kissing her neck.

"Should we really be having sex in here?"

He looked at her, "we won't, but I have 4 days worth of kissing to make up for". He smiled and continued kissing her neck, causing her to wrap her arms around him.

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