~ Notebook ~

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Ashlyn stood in front of the door of a hospital room where Aiden was and took a deep breath. 

She was at least stressed. 

It had been three days since the accident and someone had to bring Aiden homework. Unlucky, all her friends had something to do - Taylor had a mechanics club meeting, Tyler went to a basketball match, Logan had to help his grandparents at the flower shop, and Ben had math tutoring. So, as luck would have it, Ashlyn had to go to Aiden to bring him his class notes. She was sure they did it to her on purpose. 

She gulped and knocked on the door. 

"Come in!" she heard Aiden's voice from inside and her heart sped up a bit. She opened the door and find herself in the cold-white, big, plain room. Only Aiden was there, no one else, even though there was three more beds along the walls. 

"Hey", she said, looking around. "It's really boring here, isn't it?" 

"Yeah, it is", he smiled, suprised. "Hey, by the way. I didn't expect you here." 

"I guess it's actually obvious since it's me who was with you then", she replied, feeling weird - kind of confused, or maybe abashed - she could't call that feeling. 

"Right. Why did you come?"

"I brought the notes from today's classes for you."

"Oh. Thanks", he was still smiling, but now she could see something forced in his smile. 

"Umm, here you are." she handed him notebooks and sat on the edge of the bed. "How do you feel?" 

"Okay", he replied. "I have a huge plaster on my leg. But it doesn't hurt that much, I take painkillers." 

"I'm sorry." 

"Not your fault." 

"Yeah... I know." 

But despite this she felt a little guilty. If she had told him then that she had crouched down to find the bag, he probably would have been more careful and probably wouldn't have tripped over her and sprained his ankle. Probably. 

"Okay, let's focus on the lessons." she opened the first notebook and Aiden reached for the other. "Here's the math. We started functions today-" 

"Wow", Aiden interrupted her. "Wow. Ash, I didn't know you can draw so good." 

Ashlyn's gaze moved to the opened notebook which he was holding and she froze. 

The page he was looking at was full of drawings - headphones, bloody tree, jeep, ballet shoes, phantoms, and more - and in the middle was the largest drawing of smiling Aiden.  

"Stop!" she shouted, quickly reaching for her notebook, but Aiden unconsciously withdrew his hand, making her lean towards him. They found themselves a few centimeters away from each other. 

Ashlyn felt herself blushing, as she tried to reach the notebook.

"Give me back my notes", she said, trying to push away the persistent thought that they were close enough to kiss. 

What the heck am I even thinking about?! 

"Your breath smells like vanilla", he murmured, and she looked him in the eyes, sure he could hear her pounding heart. "And mint." 


Fuck. He is so close. 


She felt the notebook in her hand and she moved away. Her heart was beating way too fast. 

"Nothing", he said quickly and looked away, blushing. 

Ashlyn was almost certain she had seen him blush more often lately. She took a calming breath.

"Sooo... What about biology?" he asked, while she hid the notebook in her backpack and she reached for another one. She was sure there were no idiotic drawings there. 

"Here you are." she said, feeling as her heart was slowly calming down. "There is biology, chemistry, math, geography, english and the workbooks. This is the homework list. Tomorrow onext of us will bring you the rest. 

"I don't think it will be necessary, I'm leaving this terribly boring place tomorrow", he announced. "This is reeeaaaaally boring! It's my salvation that you came here."   

"Umm, thanks", she zipped up her backpack, trying not to blush for no reason.

"See ya, Aid." 

"Aid?" he smirked. 

"Shut up, I said it mechanically!" she rolled her eyes with a slightly forced smile. "Be happy I didn't call you Drooling Shithead or Ceiling Lover." 

 "I'm such a grateful." 

"So." she opened the door. "Get well, bye!" 

"Bye", he replied with a typical smile and she left the room. 


It was exhausting. And awkward.

I don't even know why. 

Ashlyn moved forward when the thought hit her that something must have broken between them. Slightly, but still. 

And she wasn't sure if the 'break' was something good or not. 

Apparently you have to destroy something to build something new... right?


Hey Pookies Wookies IMPORTATN THING!

I started to translate my book "Lightness" from Polish, so if you're interested please check out ^w^


Tysm for the 3k views in only three weeks 😢❤

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