~ Moron ~

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Warning, descriptions of s3lfh@rm :)


It was about seven o'clock when they arrived to the holiday resort, unpacked, ate lunch, dinner and was over the entire resort.

The building of a main hotel was called Moonley House - from the name of forest that the resort was surrounded by - Moonley Woods. The hotel was huge and old, but it wasn't the place where they were situated. Students and teachers from their school took their places in little wooden 'cottage' cabins surrounding the hotel building.

Ashlyn was assigned to a cabin with Taylor and two other girls from their class, while the boys were all together. Lucky there were two-person rooms, so they could talk in peace and prepare for moving to the other dimension.

"I'm exhausted", Taylor chugged as they entered they room after the dinner.

"Me too", Ashlyn plopped down on her bed. "It really wasn't necessary to go to that boring stone museum!"

"That's a pity we didn't visit the famous museum of walls!" Taylor sighed dramatically and laughed.

Ashlyn shook her head with a little smile.

"By the way, I think it's suspicious that our school has enough money to book cottages in such a nice resort for so many people."

"Bet Aiden's parents sponsored" Taylor giggled, reaching for her toiletry bag and took the lipstick out of it. She quickly fixed her makeup - thought Ashlyn couldn't see a change - and splashed herself with a body lotion. "I'm ready."

"For what?"

"For coming to boys', of course!"

"Oh right. We need to figure out our plan for tonight."

Taylor smiled at her and winked, and Ashlyn wasn't sure what it was supposed to mean.

Anyways, the girls informed their roommates they're going out and left the cabin.

"Hello theeeere!" Taylor called as they entered a messy hall of boys' cabin, without knocking. Because why. "Wassup?"

"Oh, hi" Logan replied from the coach with a light smile and Ben sitting next to him waved.

"We're still unpacking", he typed and the girls looked around.

"Yeah, I see." Ashlyn rolled her eyes. "What a mess!"

"I'm curious if your cabin is in relative order!" Tyler's snort (as always snort a/n) came from the kitchen.

Taylor glanced through the opened door and looked inside. Tyler just jumped off the fridge and Taylor climbed on the top of it with an excitement.

"Oh, by the way, where is Aiden?" Ashlyn asked Tyler who nodded towards her. The second later she felt arms embracing gently her neck from the back.

"Hellooo", Aiden smiled right next to her ear.

"Aiden", she gasped, startled and sighed, not sure what to do. "Let go of me."

"Okee" he withdrew his hands and passed Ashlyn in the door and she felt heart speed in one second as she realized he's shirtless. "Anyone wants an ice lolly?"

Holy shit.


Without a shirt.

Just held me from a back.

He even fucking dare to startle me?!


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