episode 2:leaving the nest

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3RD PERSON POV: Y/n's grandmother couldn't help but sigh. It had been a few days after her grandsons death and she still couldn't get over his death. Perhaps it was his kind heart that was stomped on by the world that filled her with such grief. No one knows, not even her

Kasumi:oh, Taejin...

Kasumi:what has our family come to?

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Kasumi:what has our family come to?

The women asked while looking at the photo of her husband. A martial artist turned soldier who died just shortly before their former daughters death. Speaking of former daughter, not too long ago Kasumi received a call from a few police officers saying that her former daughter nearly killed herself alongside her granddaughter. And had begrudgingly let them stay in her house. Only it wasn't the home she was staying in

Rather than having to share a house with filthy creatures Kasumi made them live in the nearby shack and made Kanoko work around the farm while her mother received medication and weekly visits from a therapist. The family was limited in speaking or being around each other. Kasumi in disgust while Kanoko and Kaede stayed away out of shame and guilt. Only speaking to Kasumi unless they had no choice to socialize with each other

Kasumi would stare at her husband for a few seconds longer before she looked up to the star ridden sky in sorrow

Kasumi:I hope your at peace with our family, Y/n

MEANWHILE: Hiroki, or now known as Y/n's body would lay within the coffin before suddenly jolting awake as Y/n hit his head against the coffins roof. And he reacted like any normal person would, well. Normal in his terms...


The boy called in distress before quickly calming down. Their wasn't enough air or time for him to panic right now. He needed to leave this damn box now!

Y/n:(come on Y/n, think! Use that single brain cell!)

Quickly calming and lessening his breathes he quickly noticed the belt around his waist and immediately took off the belt, wrapping it around his fist and punched the coffin a few times earning a few cracks and tears in the wood and quickly tore out the belt buckle and began tearing away at the cushioning inside leaving only a thin broken layer of wood and six feet worth of dirt

Y/n:you got this...

He soon began clawing and breaking away at the coffin. The wood piercing his skin but the stinging and burning pain in his hands didn't stop him from climbing out from hell. He'd climb out this box one way or another!

Luckily Y/n was able to Claw and climb his way to the surface as his hand burst from the ground before he pulled himself out from the ground bleeding and tired. Y/n would lay on his back, letting the rain wash away the dirt and blood on his hands. Hiroki Mori was dead but Y/n L/n sure as hell isn't going to for a long time!

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