The Girl The Bad Guy Wants (Part 2)

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"I can't believe you! Are you out of your mind?! What did you think you were doing?!" Asked Taylor, slamming her front door shut and then dropping her purse on the hallway table and turning to her guest who was currently laughing at her from beneath his hood.

"He tripped!"

"Yes because he saw you walking towards him like some kind of crazy person"

The 'fight' Travis had been so excited by had failed to materialise, one look at the 6 foot 4 man stalking towards him and Taylors former date had lost his footing and hit the deck with such force Travis was sure his ass would be black and blue for weeks and he couldn't help but laugh at that fact.

"Taylor, honey, I am 100% a crazy person but I'm also hot and great in bed and that's all you need to worry about tonight" pushing down his hood for the first time he couldn't help but smirk as Taylors eyebrows shot to her hairline as she observed him properly for the first time. "Hot right?" He laughed as he began pulling his hoody over his head.

"Uh, what are you doing?" Stuttered Taylor

"I'm getting naked, you didn't invite me here to play board games and sip cocoa did you?" He threw his hoody to the ground and then began unbuckling the belt that was holding his jeans so snug to his body.

"Yeah but this... it's not very ro...."

"Romantic?! Look, if you wanted romantic you should have brought 'blondy ' home, but if you want the best orgasm of your life, multiple times, then you brought the right guy home" he popped that top button of his jeans and then kicked off his sneakers.

"Yeah I know you aren't here for romance but..."

"Bedroom? I assume that because you are such a goody goody that you want it somewhere obvious" he pulled off his socks and then tore his t-shirt over his head and then waited for Taylors reaction to his body and he wasn't disappointed "it's all yours for tonight" he winked " Do with it as you please, just do it good"

"Upstairs.. uh... first door on the left" she said in a rush, pulling off her heels and following him as he ran up the stairs, chuckling happily at her reaction


"What the fuck is this???" Travis ran a hand over his hair and gazed at the sight in front of him.

A beautiful white, four poster bed with a large mirror attached to the ceiling above it and leather restraints visible at each corner.

"You don't like?" She asked, her eyes large like a puppy dog

"I like very fuckin much but surprised doesn't even come close to how I'm feeling right now"

"Good girl in life, bad girl in bed, nothing wrong with that right?"

"You've got that right" his mouth was on hers, swallowing down her next words before she could reply. His hands grabbed the back of her thighs and lifted her to his waist as her fingers tangled into his hair and she began to grind her centre against his stomach "So fucking eager" he managed to mutter before she attacked his mouth once more, her lips hot and soft against hers as she pulled hard at his hair, digging her nails into his scalp and giving him just a taste of what was to come.

Throwing her on to the bed, Travis worked quickly to fasten the restraints on her hands and then her feet and then pulled off his jeans so that he was standing in just his boxers as he stared down at what lay before him and wondered how the fuck a misfit like him got so lucky

Taylors blond curls fanned around her head as her cleavage strained below the white shirt that still had the top two buttons opened. Her black skirt was pushed up her thighs, covering her panties but nothing more.

"You know..." Travis began as he stepped to the edge of the bed "When I saw you in the bar tonight I knew you were a hot, good girl but I had no idea how hot you would be as a bad girl" placing his knee on the bed he crawled in between her legs and began to push her skirt a little bit higher

"Wait" she gasped, "top drawer" she motioned with her head to the dresser next to the bed and Travis stood up and walked around, opening the drawer and chuckling loudly at what he found.

"You are a very, very naughty girl Taylor" kneeling back on the bed he placed the blindfold over her eyes and then returned to his spot between her legs. His mind reeling at the possibilities a night with a girl like this might hold.

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