The Girl The Bad Guy Wants (Part 1)

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Travis Kelce sat in his regular corner at the back of the bar and downed his rum and coke as soon as it was placed before him.

He grinned as his throat and then chest began to burn and he lost track of the conversation happening around him.

He and his group of friends occupied the same corner every Friday and Saturday night and needless to say where they went the girls followed.

Travis pulled the hood of his black hoodie up over his chocolate coloured hair and let his eyes roam until they found their desired destination.

Blond curls tumbled over her shoulders and settled at her waist, her white button up shirt was fitted and showed just a hint of the chest that lay beneath It, her black knee length skirt hugged her ass as though it was clinging on to it for dear life and every time she moved Travis couldn't help but think what it would be like to dig his teeth into her very, very generous behind.

The girl giggled as she lifted a glass of white wine to her lipstick stained lips, completely unaware of the attention she had on her.

Her date was grinning, his blond spikes, dazzling under the bar lights as he sipped at his beer and flirted halfheartedly with the blond bombshell in front of him.

A dark haired girl sat as close to Travis as was humanly possible and began stroking his thigh and he didn't object as he let his mind drift to the girl chattering happily in front of him. He had seen her around campus, part of the glee club, a cheerleader, a volunteer at the food kitchen, handing out meals to families that couldn't afford to eat. Always so upbeat, always so friendly always so fuckin hot.

She was a friend to everyone that needed it, except... except for Travis.

From him she cowered and he couldn't help but harden at the thought. The hopeful brunette ran a hand over his clothed dick and giggled as though she was responsible for his aroused state but he kept his eyes fixed on the blond who was looking more and more bored with her date as he considered ways to end it as quickly as possible.

"Should we take this to the bathroom?" The girl asked and as the blind downed her drink and then licked her lips he couldn't contain what was going on in his jeans anymore so he nodded and then walked with her to the bathroom,praying the blond would still be there when he returned.


Taylor knew she shouldn't have agreed to come tonight, she had a test tomorrow and yes she had studied all week but today was vital studying time she was missing out on and for what??? A guy that couldn't string two words together, was more interested in tending to his dire hair style than to her?

She sighed heavily and then threw back the rest of her white wine hoping the alcohol would numb some of the boredom

The bar was buzzing tonight, the music was happy and the tables were full but she couldn't find it in her to join the merriment for some reason that is until her eyes found his.

He was walking back towards his table, a very proud looking female in front of him, his hand in hers but his eyes were on Taylor, there was no way to ignore or hide from his gaze it was dark and heavy and rested on only one place... her.

"Another?" Her date asked as the last drops of of the wine trickled down her throat. Her eyes were stuck on the man in the black hood, his emerald coloured eyes speaking all kinds of wrong things to her

"Make it a large" she forced out through her restricted chest. The heaviness of the man's gaze weighing down on her.

Within a few moments her date was back, presenting her with her drink and taking her decision for added alcohol as a definite come on. He sat closer this time and wrapped an arm around the back of her chair and she saw the man in the hood narrow his eyes at the action. She felt her heartbeat race as he stared at her unashamedly and drummed his finger heavily on the table

"So Taylor..." The blond man moved his finger to Taylors chin, urging her to face him and she blinked a few times before looking up at him from under her lashes and smiling flirtatiously, before discreetly looking back to the other table and seeing the man in the hood glaring at the scene in front of him and that made her pulse pound in the throat. His eyes were dark and dangerous and he was watching her like a lion would would watch it's prey.

She turned her head to towards her date just in time to find his lips lowering towards her own and she was aware of movement from the opposite table so she quickly raised a finger to his puckered lips and whispered 'hold that thought'  before slipping from the table and heading towards the bathroom, aware of a tall shadow moving behind her. Following her every move


"Who are you playing with, him or me?" I catch her just before she enters the bathroom and the way she gasps at my voice causes heat to pool in my groin.

"I'm not playing with anyone" she stutters and I fuckin love that I make her so nervous

"Yet" I reply and reach out to straighten the collar of her shirt. Watching her chest rise and fall harder under my touch "So your date's an asshole"

"He's nice"

"It's a good job for me that you don't want nice then isn't it?" I dig my hands deep into the pockets of my jeans and stare down at her. She's so much shorter than me that I could just pick her up and have her against the wall right now but there's no fun in that so I continue to stay silent and watch her squirm under my gaze.

"What makes you think you have any idea what I want?  You don't know me"

" I know it was me you were watching and not him, and trust me, I'm anything but nice baby girl" I wink and take a step closer to her and as she steps backwards attempting to put some distance between us her back hits the wall and I imagine that happening very, very shortly with way fewer clothes.

"I should get back"

"Why? You aren't interested in that loser, you're interested in me"

"My God! Your ego!" She exclaims and crosses her arms   over her chest and I smirk knowing I'm going to have my hands on that chest before the night is out.

"My ego is almost as big as my junk" I say placing a hand on the wall behind her head and taking in her scent, it's delicate on her, the exact opposite of how I'm going to be when I'm 'on her ' later

I enhale deeply and then drop my lips to her ear "Your little friend is probably gettinh hard already thinking he's going home with you" she gasps at my dirty mouth and I'm desperate to put my mouth all over her, her scent and the warmth of her body beginning the take control of mine.

"Well he isn't"

"That's right, he isn't" I push her hair over her shoulder and then move my mouth from her ear to her neck, never making contact but letting my breath warm her skin and as she closes her eyes and allows herself to feel it I know I have won.

I lift a hand to the top button of her white shirt and pop it open and her eyes fly open I pause, my gaze burning into hers and when she doesn't stop me I move to open the second one and the white lace bra that meets me just makes my mouth water. "You're really a good girl aren't you?"

"Yes" she manages to whisper

"And here you are, going home with the bad boy" I say it against her mouth and she barely let's me finish before her hands are around my neck and her lips are devouring mine. I grip her hips and drag her into me, the friction as her centre rubs against mine sparking a fire in me that I know isn't suitable for such a public place.

I grab two handfuls of her ass and she moans into my mouth and my dick takes that as his cue to almost burst through my pants to get at her.

"Taylor?!" She tears her self away from me as we both turn to see blondy heading towards us, he takes one look at her open blouse and jumps to the conclusion that she didn't want this and he speeds up to a jog, his face furious and his fists clenched and as I  begin stalking towards him all I can think about is how fun this night is going to be, fighting followed by fucking to celebrate.

Happy  Friday to me.

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