The Girl The Bad Guy Wants (Part 3)

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"Don't hurt me!" She cries out and then bites down on her juicy bottom lip and I can't wait to sink my own teeth into it.

Role play, restraints, blindfold and... white lace panties?! I can see them peeping out from under the skirt that's now ruffled around her waist and the word 'foreplay' is suddenly lost from my vocabulary as my dick strains against my boxers, the blood screaming let me at her but this is too good of an opportunity to have end any time soon so I take a few deep breaths and try to convince my body to calm the hell down and then crawl towards her as she begins to thrash gently as though she attempting to free herself of the restraints

"Don't touch me!"

"Sorry, I can't do that, you've been a very naughty girl and you must be punished" as the last word slips over my lips, slow and cold I bite down on her inner thigh, and suck the hot skin into my mouth. She gasps and I just about lose my shit so I take some more breaths and  try and get my body to comply.

I push her skirt higher so it's more like a belt around her waist and take in the sight of the white lace panties fully for the first time and a hint of what lay beneath.

"You shaved, you went out looking for it didn't you?"

"No sir, I swear I didnt"

"You wanted it didn't you?"

"No sir"

"Well I'm going to give it to you" I tangle my fingers in the lace and then realise I have a problem. "I'm about to loosen the restraints so I can get these off, if you scream you will be punished, if you attempt to escape you will be punished, do you understand me?" Her body stills as I move to loosen the leather around her ankles

"Yes sir" I drag the lace underwear down her legs and then throw them down onto the floor before fastening them again and gazing up at her heat which is now on full display.

Closing my eyes I once again focus on my breathing before pulling the skirt down to cover her slightly so I stand a chance of this lasting longer than 30 seconds. Next I move to the restraints around her wrists, loosening one and then moving so my lips are hovering just above the shell of her ear.

"One move and I'm going to have to be very, very rough to teach you some obedience. Got It?"

"Yes sir" she says staying perfectly still and then as I move to loosen the second restrain she gently thrashes her legs and I can't help but grin.

"What the fuck did I just tell you?!"

"Oops" her voice is small and flirtatious and I just about rip the restraint off and then follow it by ripping her shirt from her body and then fastening it again and look down at the majestic creature lying bound to the bed wearing just a white lacy bra and a skirt that is barely covering her groin and my mouth actually begins to water as I take my time deciding where to start.

"I told you not to move and you moved for that I'm going to have to punish you"

"I understand"

"First things first. I am so fuckin turned on looking at you right now that I'm gonna make myself cum and then I'm gonna have my hands and mouth on every part on you except where you really really want it. I'm going to have you begging me to let you cum and then do you know what I'm going to do, I'm going to let you make me cum again, as many times as I want and then I'm going to leave. How does that sound?"

"It sounds as though I've been a very, very bad girl and I need to be thoroughly punished sir"

"You're gonna be so turned on you won't know if it's agony or ecstasy but first..." I reach down and remove the blindfold knowing how it will drive her wild watching me cum but knowing she won't experience the same "watch me" I instruct as I pull my boxers to my thighs and take myself in my hand "Just imagine my hand is your pussy cos imagining it is as close to experiencing it as you're going to cum tonight"

I watch as her eyes never leave my dick, her thighs squeezing tight and her teeth chewing at her lip. I move so I'm as close to her face as I can get and let out animated growls and groans as I get close to the edge quicker than I would have liked but fuck It, the night is young and I have a beautiful woman tied up in front of me

"Open your mouth" I demand and thankfully she does as she's told because in seconds I'm groaning loudly as I release everything I have into her mouth "Swallow" she smiles up at me shyly and then gulps it down "Good girl" I say whilst patting her head and then putting the blindfold back in place before pulling up my boxers

"That was so hot"

"Did I give you permission to speak?"

"No sir. Sorry sir"

Kneeling back between her legs I get to work on her 'punishment'

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