The Girl The Bad Guy Wants (Part 4)

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Placing my tongue flat just below her belly button I lick a line up over her stomach, up between her ribs and then between her breasts, over her chest and throat and then over her chin before taking her lips hard with mine and immediately inserting my tongue into her mouth whilst my hands grab handfuls of her ass and I make sure nothing about what I'm doing is gentle.

She disobeyed me, I said the punishment would be rough and rough it's going to be and she's going to fuckin love it I'm sure.

I feel her tongue doing battle against mine and I'm determined to prove myself the dominant force here so I straddle her waist and wrap my hands over the leather restraints whilst kissing her as ferociously as my mouth can. I hear her moaning against my lips but I just swallow them down, determined to turn her on more than she ever has been in her life.

Without breaking the kiss I move both hands to her chest, I'm relieved to find the clasp is at the front so I turn it and as the material falls away I hear her gasp in expectation.

I might disappoint my parents and my tutors, my friends on occasion but I never disappoint my lovers and I'm determined to keep my record clean.

As my tongue licks hers and my lips massage kiss after kiss into her own I slip both hands down onto her breasts and begin to massage the soft skin. This is a tease, there is no happy ending for her tonight so i go slow, touching every inch of her breasts except where I know she craves it most


Start begging babe because I don't give in easily

I grip the flesh hard in my fist, my own body desperate to feel her hardened nipples in my grip but I know that's what she wants and what she wants is what I have to deny her

I push my dick, which is once again coming to life, hard against her centre and I feel her moan vibrate through my mouth. She might not be able to cum but I sure as hell am and these restraints are keeping the parts of her I want on me, off of me so I reach over and release her from the leather lashed around her wrists.

"Your hands are free for one reason and one reason only... to pleasure me, touch yourself in any way and I'm gone, okay?" She nods and sits up, her hands immediately exploring my chest and my abs as her world remains black.

"You feel so good" she mutters and I see her thighs squeeze once more.

"Is it beginning to ache?" I run both my hands up the inside of her thighs stopping just before they land where I can tell she's desperate to feel me. She chews on her lips and then nods

"I need you"

"Tough luck princess, you should have listened to me the first time because I never ask twice" I spread my hand and allow two fingers to move over her lips but never touch the part of her I can almost feel pulsing beneath my touch.

"Fuck. Please, I'll do anything. Just please, I need you to touch me"

"It's a shame tonight's about what I need and not you. Now I'm about to put my dick in your mouth. Be good to me, very good and I might consider forgiving you next time you bring me home" She swallows heavily and I see her biting back a smile at the thought of this being more than a one off, to be honest the second she kissed me in the hallway of the bar I knew I was going to need seconds, her taste was addictive and then this...  well this is just way beyond what any man embarking on a hook up could ever hope for.

"Hurry up then" she said and then opened her mouth wide, and ran her tongue over her red lips. Quickly I remove her leg restraints and then grab some hair and pull her head forward as I buck my hips up until I'm buried in the warm heat of her mouth. Her tongue and lips working together with her hands to drive me to the edge of my mind in no time at all. When she covers her teeth with her lips and then drags them from base to tip, sucking hard and cupping my nuts I see stars as I cum hard into her magical mouth and finally open my eyes to watch the white liquid drip over her lips and down her chin. She she uses the back of her hand to wipe it off and then grins up at me I almost cum again.

Ripping the blindfold over her head I stare at her amazed that someone like her really exists and that out of all the guys in that bar it was me she wanted.

Pushing her shoulders until she is lying flat I fasten the restraints and tell myself if I want her to invite me back I had better make this good.

Settling between her legs I grip her thighs tight and then lick and bite and nibble from her knee all the way up her inner thigh and just as I get to her heat I blow a hot breath onto it and then return to her other knee and repeat, over and over I do it, hot breath the only attention the ache between her legs is receiving and it's beginning to kill her because she writhing on the bed, pulling at the restraints and begging as though she s begging for her life and I have never seen anything as erotic in my entire life.

Moving up her body I use my tongue to draw circles around her nipples but never once make contact, first the left one as my hand gropes at the right and then I switch and I feel her body moving below me, her hips desperate to press against mine, her clit desperate for stimulation and relief and my own body is straining to give it to her. I want to rip off the restraints and turn her over and bury myself in her but I said no relieve for her tonight and I'm sticking to my word.

Placing my dick between her breasts I squeeze them together and then begin to move. I close my eyes and fuck her chest and although it's nothing compared to the feeling of being inside a girl it's good and I know it's  just driving Taylor more and more crazy with want.

My third release goes over her chest and I realise that if i don't stop now I'm not going to be able to resist taking her body with mine im teetering around the edges of my self control so pushing up off the bed I slowly release each of her limbs from the restraints and then pick up her clothes and throw them to her

"Get dressed, I'm leaving" picking up my clothes I walk to the en suite and splash water on my face hoping it will calm my body that's screaming at me to get back into the bedroom and take her.

I put on my clothes and run my fingers through my hair and then step into her room once more to find her completely dressed and grinning at me shyly and my hormones are very close to making me do something very stupid.

"Thank you" She says stepping towards me and I step back, not trusting myself not to grab hold of her "Most guys would have broke and had to have me, you stuck to your word, it was amazing"

"Good" is all I can force out

"You'll come back won't you?"

"Maybe" I shrug as I breathe out a breath of relief that she wants to see me again and this wasn't just a one time thing "I guess I'll take your number in case I get bored in future" little did I know in less than 6 hours we would be naked in this very room once again and this time i would be giving pleasure instead of receiving it.

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