Part 12 : Helena got trapped

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The whole week passed like this as their classes were off after final exams. Alex offered Helena to meet with him at a restaurant for dinner.

It was Saturday when Helena was all ready to go to the Truffle Terrace for dinner with Alex and mixed emotions took over her heart.

She approached the restaurant and entered the restaurant while taking a deep breaths then she saw Alex was already there. Alex's gaze fell on Helena, he stood up from his seat, waved his hand to Helena, Helena stepped near his standing figure.

She bowed to him slightly and said,
Alex bowed in returned but didn't answer, he just smiled and gestured for her to sit.

After placing their order Alex said,
"Helena I want to say something."
Helena felt a strange sensation as her mind was signaling something but she didn't get that what Alex was about to say that would surprised her.
She gulped down her saliva and replied,
"What is it Alex?"

"Um actually I've wanted to say this for a long time but I didn't because I didn't know how you would react."
Alex continued, Helena got more puzzled, then heard Alex say,
"I really like you Helena , and I want you to be my girlfriend."

Helena felt her heart skip a beat for a moment as everything seemed to fade away except for her and Alex, a flicker of anticipation mingled with uncertainty danced in her chest, a mix of excitement and nervousness bubbling inside her.

She wasn't sure what was coming next, for a moment she didn't trust in her ears to understand what she heard.

Alex, sensing Helena's silence, said, "There's no hurry. Take your time to answer me, but Helena, don't say no. I want a positive response from you. I sense that you like me too and you won't reject me. I know you're Muslim and this is forbidden for you but I really like you from the core of my heart."

Helena couldn't help but feel her cheeks burning as blush was visible on her cheeks. Since Alex expressed his feelings to her.

Meanwhile a girl was calling on Alex's phone. He quickly cut the call, turned off his phone, and continued to talk, then looked back at Helena, who was already staring at him with longing eyes.

She felt as if what she desired was happening now. There was a moment of silence. Then she cleared her throat, gathered courage to reply, "I...i need some time to think."

Alex poked his cheek and hummed in response. Then he moved a bag of Cartier towards Helena, saying, "I bought a watch for you. I hope you will like it." Helena moved the bag back towards Alex, saying, "I can't take it Alex. Don't make things difficult for me."

"I already bought it, Helena. Either you take it or throw it. The choice is yours. But if you throw it I'll feel that you don't have feelings for me even for once,"
Alex said, making a fake sad face. Then Helena grabbed it back.

After completing their dinner, Alex dropped Helena off at her house.

Helena took a week to give Alex an answer. During that week, she was mostly lost in her thoughts about Alex, her happiness was evident on her face.

She stayed happier than before, believing her desire was about to be fulfilled. However, she also knew it was Haram for her to be in a relationship with a non-Muslim. She prayed in Salah and asked Allah to make him Muslim, but she couldn't control her feelings and decided to give him an answer.

After the vacation, when everyone was sitting in the university library, Alex was curious to know her answer. He wondered why Helena took so much time, and sometimes he got annoyed, thinking about how many girls around him would die to be with him, yet Helena was taking so long to say yes.

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