Rose showed off her dress to her aunt.
"Oh Rosie, you are growing up!"
She hugged her in tears.
"Is Dave picking you up?"
Rose shook her head.
"That's suspicious, when a man asks you to a dance or a date, he should be the one to pick you up."
Rose wrote on her board: "I'm meeting him there."
"That sounds like a disappointing end to a dance. Trust me Rosie, I never married but I've dated a few guys in my time. They always picked me up on dates."
Rose gave Vanilla some head scratches before they left the apartment.
They arrived at the college.
"Have fun, text me when you're done here ok!"
Rose nodded. She went inside clutching her board. She waited outside the cafeteria where the dance was and waited. About five minutes passed, Jeff walked towards her out of the cafeteria.
"Hey...that's a pretty dress, if only Dave could see you. Where is he, he hasn't showed up?"
Rose shook her head.
"Let's give him a few more minutes, I swear to God I'll kick his ass if he's late."
Rose wrote on her board: "Abed said 15 minutes is considered late."
"Well...he's got 13 minutes until I find him and kick his ass."
She smiled. Pierce walked out.
"Heeeeeey Rose, what're you doing out here, you should be in there dancing with Dave?"
"That douchebag is nearly late, I'm gonna break his neck," Jeff said.
"You can still have fun, go in there and dance with Britta, Troy, and Abed."
They walked her in the cafeteria. She ran over to Troy and Abed eating some finger food. She tapped Troy on the shoulder, they both turned around, Troy's eyes widened.
"Rosie is that you!?" Troy asked.
"It is her," Abed said.
"Try this."
Troy got a sliced carrot and dipped it in salsa. She took a bite, made a disgusted face and shook her head.
"Bummer, I think it's alright. How about pigs in a blanket, Shirley brought em."
She picked up a pig in a blanket, tasted it, and shrugged.
"Are you serious, it's the least boring food here?"
"I might have something else," Abed said.
He pointed to big bowl of nacho cheese and a bag of tortilla chips next to it. Her eyes widened and dug in.
"You're good Abed," Troy said.
"I know."
Soon, the three of them went to the dance floor, Rose was excited to dance but she started jumping. Troy and Abed shrugged at each other and just jumped along with her. Meanwhile, Jeff and his date Sheila were dancing when he realized it's been over 15 minutes since Rose stopped waiting for Dave.
"Excuse me Shiela, I'm sorry."
He left her to dance while he went out of the cafeteria, Dave still wasn't there but when he walked back in, he saw Dave dancing on the far left of the dance floor.
"That son of a bitch."
He walked to Dave.
"Dave what the Hell!?"
"What's up Winger?"
"What's up,' is that all you gotta say?"
"What's wrong man!?"
"Rose has been waiting for you for over an hour, you were here this whole time, you stood her up!"
"Cool it bro, I just forgot her ok. I asked my girlfriend to the dance after I asked Rose, I forgot to tell her the date was off."
"Bullcrap Dave, you just want to upset her for your entertainment, I know guys like you."
"And I know people like her, she should've went to an institution where she belongs."
Jeff was about to kick Dave's ass but Pelton stopped.
"What's going on here, why the hostility? This is supposed to be a fun night. "
Dave and Jeff stared at each other.
"Dean, you said if someone breaks your niece's heart, you'll break their necks?"
"I was talking about you and your study group but yes I did say that."
"He intends to do that if Rose finds out he stood her up."
Pelton stared at Dave.
"You stood my niece up for that bimbo?"
"Hey!" Dave's girlfriend said.
"Hey yourself, I am the dean of this school!"
They heard a noise, they turned to see Rose staring at Dave, her eyes were glossy.
"Rose honey," Pelton said.
Rose walked away in tears. She passed through Troy and Abed.
"Rose what's wrong?" Troy asked.
She was standing over the chips and cheese. Jeff and Pelton walked to them.
"We found Dave," Jeff said.
"What do you mean?" Abed asked.
"Poor Rose," Pelton said.
He walked beside her. She was eating the chips, dipping into the cheese. She wrote on her board while her mouth was full, cheese around her mouth: "Leave me alone for a bit."
"Ok...we'll leave you for a bit. You want Aunt Shayne to pick you up?"
She shook her head.
"Ok, come on guys, let's enjoy the rest of the night, and check on her every once in a while ok."
They left her alone. Jeff walked to Britta, Annie, and Shirley.
"Dave stood Rose up, she's stress eating at the snack table."
"Imma give him a piece of my mind," Shirley said.
"Let me do it," Britta said.
"No let me!" Annie said.
"Girls, let's leave it, we'll do it next week ok, tonight is supposed to be fun."
They left it at that but still kept an eye on Rose. Meanwhile, Abed was processing what happened with Rose and Dave. He walked to the first person that popped in his head who owned a car.
"Pierce will you take me somewhere that sells roses and chocolates?"
"Oh...well it is Valentine's Day, Abed, who's the lucky lady?"
"Rose McKinley."
"Oh...I heard about what happened to her. I see you wanna make her feel better?"
"Fine, then we'll say hi to your convenience store owner friends."
Pierce took Abed to where he needed to go.

A Wide Spectrum (A Community Fanfic)
FanfictionA girl with nonverbal autism gets herself caught in the bittersweet shenanigans of Greendale Community College.