5 | Is Sharing Really Caring?

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Third Persons POV:

The air hung heavy with a chilling tension as V withdrew her claws, shooting a glare at N and Uzi. "Well, if it isn't my favorite people..." she quipped, her tone dripping with sarcasm, punctuated by an eyeroll. "Aww, thanks! Wait—sarcasm? Ugh, V, this has to stop!" N's voice carried a note of seriousness as he addressed V's antics. V let out a small chuckle.

"My sarcasm? Nah," she retorted, sheathing her claws and casually picking at her razor-sharp teeth. "What? No! I mean this whole..." N paused, searching for the right words, "slaughtering innocent drones without cause! It feels like you're just... doing it for kicks!" N yells. V shot N a surprised glance.

"Took you long enough," she scoffed dismissively. Uzi observed the escalating tension, attempting to interject a few times with a futile "Guys—" before finally raising her voice. "GUYS!" The abrupt silence that followed was deafening, both N and V turning their attention to Uzi. V rolled her eyes.

N's expression softened as he sighe7thd. Uzi shook her head, feeling caught between the two of them—V's menacing glare and N's evasive gaze adding to the awkwardness of the situation. Uzi sighs. "V, you need to cease feasting on people—uh, that sounded weird." Uzi says, cringing at her own words.

"But that's not the point! You're needlessly taking the lives of innocent drones for your own amusement! Is this really amusing to you?" V snickered at the accusation. "Oh, emo boy, you finally catch on! Yes, it's hilarious to me. And you know what? You and your wimpy boyfri—" "He's NOT my boyfriend!" Uzi interjected hastily.

A flash of annoyance crossing her features at V's insinuation. "You can keep telling yourself that," V replied, rolling her eyes and shooting a pointed glare at Uzi. "Besides, what's stopping me from ending you right now?" she added with a deadpan delivery, attempting to intimidate Uzi, albeit unsuccessfully.

"Uh, ughh, bite me!" Uzi retorted with a glare of her own, while N watched the exchange with a mixture of exasperation and resignation. He wasn't fond of confrontation, especially when it involved potential death threats from both Uzi and V. V smirked, a sinister glint in her eyes. "Maybe I will," she teased, reveling in the tension she had stirred.


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