6- The confession

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I looked at James. Shocked he’d actually brought jade along to hear me out but before I could even say a word to her she exploded. She turned on James. Slamming her fists into his chest “How the fuck did we just supposedly “fly” through the sky?!” she yelled.  I couldn’t control myself despite James being there. I flew across the room shoving her not hard but hard enough to nock her of balance and away from him. “Shut up, ok? For one thing I’m dead if any of my family hears you up here and for two I asked JJ to bringing you here so we could explain stuff.” I looked at James face he was pale I guessed from shock. I thought an apologetic sorry in his direction and as if by magic he thought a reply back into my thoughts. ‘It’s ok but I could have handled her’. I had to stop a laugh. I then thought to Jamie ‘Can she see you?’ ‘Yes’ came the thought reply. I slowly approached jade. “Jade this is Jamie” I said gesturing to the tall hot guy behind me. She smiled slightly at him then crossed the room to my bed. Sitting on the edge of it. I looked at the others and said “Give me two seconds.” Then ran downstairs at super human speed.

I came back up to find jade huddled against James and Jamie standing awkwardly at the window. I put the snacks down and turned to Jamie and JJ. “Who's going to start explaining to Jadie then?” I asked. James looked at me and his thoughts came through clearly 'I'm not sure about this Ell'. I thought back 'we have no choice I can’t not tell her she’s my best mate.' I then sat down next to her and said “You need to know something”


An hour or so later we were all sat on my rug on the floor in the pool of warm sunlight. That’s when I noticed mine, JJs’ and Jamie’s’ skin glistening. I thought Is this normal, to Jamie, as JJ was keeping Jadie calm and from freezing out. It’s rare but yes it can happen but it’s not noticeable to Jade so don’t worry.

Jades worse cut me from my thoughts “So let me get this right, you live for eternity and can do super human things?” Her facial expression was puzzled. James stroked her cheek lightly “Yes baby girl, we also don’t need to eat or drink anything but we chose to so we don’t stand out.” She looked at him with complete devotion in her eyes “What’s your purpose then?” This time I answered “We are here to save and protect human lives. Although I only found this out yesterday, I did notice my healing speeds faster than any normal human” And with that I slowly slid my hoodie and top over my stomach reviling the already pink scratches. Gasping. Jade shoved me backwards “WHY?!” she screamed. I was breathless. And I didn’t see the point in fighting against her. She’d only get hurt. James dragged her away. I slumped against the door my stomach and wrists burning I looked down to see the crimson liquid slowly pouring from the cuts.

I ran to the bathroom changed and dressed the wounds then want back. Jade was comforting a crying Jade on my bed and James was sitting in the light the window produces. I then thought ‘Why are you here?’ to James and then he said to my thoughts while blushing ‘Because I can’t stay away’.

I gasped then tried to say why but it just came out as a whoosh of air. I then order him out-harsh but I was scared. But before that I gave him a piece of paper. On it, my phone number ‘Text me’ I thought and he smiled and nodded then flew out the door.

Later Jadie had calmed down and was eating chocolate sitting next to me.  I smiled at her. If she was freaked out she was handling it well. She was staying at mine that night and James had gone back to hers to pick up her stuff.

We walked to the shop and picked up the girl’s night in essentials- Chocolate, relentless, monster, face-masks the lot. We then went home.

JJ was sitting cross legged on the floor when we entered. Jade ran over and kissed him I smiled lightly suddenly feeling alone. ‘Smile’ I blinked at the sudden voice in my head then realised it was JJ ‘It’s hard too atm’ I thought back. I then crossed the room to my bed and said “So what film are we starting with or are we playing Guitar Hero?” I knew instantly what jade was going to say. “Guitar Hero!” she screamed diving for one of the guitars. Me and James laughed. ‘Typical’ I thought. I then passed the controller to JJ and set the Xbox up.


An hour and a half later we were sitting watching Scott Pilgrim pigging out on all the food we brought. James and Jadie were snuggled at the end of my sofa and I was sat being a loner. I sighed to myself as my thoughts drifted to Jamie. ‘Stop thinking about me’ I jumped. ‘Where are you?’ I asked through though. ‘Outside’ I stood up and walked over to the window I saw his hair first. Butterfly elephants flooded my stomach. “Come in” I murmured. I lead him to where I was sitting and signed as for the first time I wasn’t alone. ‘I can’t stay away’ I shivered and he hugged me “You ok” he said softly. I nodded shyly and sat down and curled up again. He let me snuggle close to him. Jeez I could barely breathe.


Jade was in the shower after the film had finished. Me and James sat on the floor across from each other and Jamie still had his arm round me. It felt...Normal surprisingly. “Why did you cut?” JJ asked. I told him everything, from the depression and my dad’s abuse to the loneliness.

When id finished I must have been crying because Jamie had me pulled against his chest. After my sobs subsided, I said “Sorry, I must look like a panda!” and they all laughed. Jade passed me a wet wipe and I said “Thanks Bat-woman” “It's ok Robina” she laughed.

I trudged to the bathroom changed then went back. Jade ran over and hugged me “Honey you should of said something” she said sadly. “Sorry” I said. Then I trudged to my bed and cuddled my teddy cuddles. JJ then sent me a thought message ‘Talk to Jamie, me and Jadie will go shop and get more nibbles’. I smiled and thought back ‘thanks’.


After they left the room lapsed into silence. “Why can’t you stay away?” I managed to say at last. He turned and looked at me.  “Something about you...” he looked into my eyes and I shivered. He was so perfect.  “What do you mean?” I looked down at cuddles and rubbed his worn ear. He stayed silent and sat next to me then kissed my neck softly. The rest was a blur...

The others came back to find me and Jamie lying side my side upside down on my bed laughing and joking while watching Let me in- one of my favourite films. We watched that till the end. Then jade put a film on.


I must have fell asleep because the next thing I knew it was morning. ‘Morning Beautiful’, Jamie’s thought made me smile I looked up into is shining eyes. ‘Hey’ I thought. He slowly lent down and kissed my forehead. I blushed “You’re cute when you’re sleeping” he said.

After another round of Guitar Hero and breakfast JJ took Jadie home and Jamie and I went to the park. This is where my life started to change...


authors notes: So guys you liking it so far XD gunna be in suspence a while cuz im not gunna upload till the next few chapters are written, please fan, comment and vote luvs ya XX

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