part 4 - the after

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. As they sat on the small ledge, holding each other tightly, tears streaked down their faces. The reality of what had just happened began to set in, and the intense emotions they were feeling were overwhelming.

But in each other's arms, they found comfort and solace. They were bonded by a love that was stronger than anything they had ever experienced, and they both knew that they would never let go of each other.

Garrett continued to hold Dominic's hand tightly, his heart still racing with fear and relief. He felt like the whole world was spinning around them, but none of it mattered when he had Dominic in his arms.

Dominic leaned in close to Garrett, their foreheads touching. "I love you," he whispered, his voice barely above a whisper.

Garrett smiled weakly, his eyes still filled with tears. "I love you too," he whispered back, pulling Dominic into a tight embrace.

They sat there, in each other's arms, the warm summer air brushing against their skin. They had faced the dangers of the world together, and they were determined to face everything else together too.

"Dominic, I don't ever want to lose you," Garret whispered, his voice shaking.

"I know, Garrett. I don't ever want to lose you either," Dominic replied, his eyes filled with love and gratitude.

As they sat there, in each other's arms, they knew that nothing in the world could ever tear them apart. They were bonded by a love that went deeper than even death itself, and they were determined to make their bond last a lifetime.

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