part 9 - the awake of the killer

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Once alone in his room, Garrett settled into his bed, his thoughts filled with Dominic. The lingering fear of losing him still tinged the edges of his mind, but a newfound sense of tranquility washed over him. In the quiet solitude, he closed his eyes and let the exhaustion take over, lulling him into a peaceful slumber.

As Dominic slept on the couch, nestled under the blanket that Garrett had placed over him, his dreams were filled with a sense of security and warmth, a reflection of the love he shared with Garrett.

As Garrett awoke in the morning, he stretched lazily and sat up in bed, taking a moment to gather his thoughts. He made his bed, a quick and practiced motion, before making his way towards the kitchen. However, Garrett intentionally refrained from immediately checking on Dominic. Instead, he let the silence of the morning air fill the space between them, his desire for Dominic to rest taking precedence over his own impatience.

Horror and grief consumed Garrett as he entered the living room and discovered Dominic's lifeless form. His world seemed to shatter into a thousand pieces, the weight of loss and despair overwhelming him. His breath hitched, and tears welled up in his eyes as he slowly moved closer to Dominic.

Gently, he cradled Dominic in his arms, cradling his head in his lap. "Dominic..." he whispered, his voice trembling with grief. "No... Please, wake up. Don't leave me alone."

As Garrett's gaze moved from Dominic's face to his chest, horror gripped his heart. There, in his chest, was a cold, lifeless knife, its blade protruding grotesquely. A wave of disbelief and despair washed over him. Tears streamed down his cheeks as he held Dominic tightly, his voice quivering with anguish. "Who did this to you?" he whispered. "Why did they take you away from me?"

As Garrett held Dominic's lifeless body, grief tearing at his heart, realization washed over him in a desperate wave. The tool he had given Dominic, the one that could heal him-it still held its power. But it came with a price: the tool required energy to work, and that energy would drain from Garrett.

A flicker of hope mingled with despair in Garrett's eyes. He gently set Dominic down and reached into his pocket, retrieving the healing tool.

With trembling hands, Garrett poured the green liquid onto Dominic's chest, the warm glow of the healing substance seeping into the wound. Then, mustering every ounce of his strength, he carefully removed the knife from Dominic's chest. The process was agonizing, each movement tinged with desperation and hope.

After what felt like an eternity, Dominic's eyes fluttered open and he began coughing, the healing liquid and Garrett's touch bringing him back to life.

Dominic, his chest still heaving from the pain and healing process, managed to find his breath. He coughed violently, his body shaking as he convulsed. Gasping for air, he weakly called out, "Gar-Garrett..." his voice barely audible but filled with an urgent need for comfort and reassurance.

Garrett, overcome with relief and emotion, immediately enveloped Dominic in a tight embrace, crying unashamedly. His tears flowed freely as he held him close, his body trembling with a mix of joy and lingering fear. "Dominic," he whispered through tears, his voice choked with emotion. "I thought I lost you. Don't ever scare me like that again."

Dominic, weak but determined, found his voice and looked up at Garrett with a flicker of confusion and concern in his eyes. "What happened?" he asked, his voice a faint whisper. "How did I...?" He gestured feebly towards his chest, his breath still shallow and labored.

Garrett gently held Dominic's trembling form, his own voice shaky as he attempted to gather his thoughts. "I found you in the living room," he explained, his eyes filled with a mix of anguish and concern. "You weren't moving. There was a wound...and I used the tool I gave you to heal it." A fresh wave of tears welled up in Garrett's eyes as he relived the nightmarish memory.

Despite his weakened state, Dominic mustered his strength and sat up abruptly, coughing as he did so. "Garrett," he said weakly but forcefully, "I told you not to use that tool on me. It takes your energy!"
As Dominic spoke, Garrett, who had been hovering nearby, also started coughing. The aftereffects of using the tool on Dominic appeared to be taking a toll on him as well.

Dominic, his voice filled with both weakness and determination, looked at Garrett with a mix of sternness and desperation. "Garrett," he whispered urgently, "don't ever use that tool on me again. I don't care if I'm dying; I don't want you to sacrifice yourself for me. Promise me you won't do it again."

Garrett, his voice husky and raspy, struggled to speak through his coughing. He nodded weakly, his eyes locked on Dominic's determined face, "I promise," he managed to whisper, his voice barely audible. The gravity of the situation weighed heavily on him, the risk he had taken not lost on him. Each cough was a reminder of the price he had paid to save Dominic.

Dominic, with great effort, pushed himself off the couch and stumbled into Garrett's arms, clinging to him weakly but desperately. Tears streamed down his face as he spoke, his voice choked with emotion. "If you ever even think about using that tool on me again," he whispered, "I will unalive myself. I can't bear the thought of you sacrificing yourself for me."

Garrett, shaken by Dominic's words, tightened his grip on him, his own tears mingling with Dominic's. "Don't say that," he whispered fiercely, his voice strained but filled with emotion. "I couldn't bear it if anything happened to you. Promise me you won't do anything stupid like that. I'll take care of you, and I promise I won't use the tool again."

Weary and emotionally drained, Garrett and Dominic settled onto the floor, their bodies entwined in a tight embrace. They held each other tightly as they gradually drifted off into a fitful yet peaceful sleep, finding solace and comfort in one another's presence after the turbulent ordeal they had endured.

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⏰ Last updated: May 30 ⏰

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