part 8 - restaurant

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Dominic, realizing that resistance was futile, yielded to Garrett's persuasive charm. They made their way to the restaurant, with Garrett carrying Dominic securely in his arms. The moment they stepped inside, heads turned, and whispers filled the air. The couple was the center of attention, their unconventional entrance causing quite a stir. Dominic couldn't help but feel a mix of embarrassment and affection, acutely aware of Garrett's possessiveness and obsession. Despite the attention, he felt a warmth spread through him, a deep sense of connection with Garrett that was becoming increasingly undeniable.

Dominic, overcome by a mixture of embarrassment and awkwardness, fled from the restaurant, disappearing into the crowd. Garrett, caught off guard by Dominic's sudden departure, frantically searched for him. His heart pounded with worry as he scanned the surrounding area, calling out Dominic's name in desperation. Uncertainty and fear consumed him, as Dominic's absence threatened to unravel the fragile bond they had been building. The weight of the situation hung heavily in the air, as Garrett grappled with the mystery and concern over Dominic's sudden disappearance.

*a few hours later*

As the hours ticked by without any sign of Dominic, Garrett's worry intensified. The thought of Dominic going without food for an extended period gnawed at him. Panic rose within him, fueling his desperate search. The possibility of having lost Dominic weighed heavily on Garrett's heart, tormenting him with fears of the unknown. He continued to scour the city, his urgency and concern mounting with each passing moment, desperately hoping to find Dominic safe and sound.

In the depths of Garrett's torment, his emotions spiraled out of control, his desperation and frustration fueling a dark impulse. As he continued his relentless search for Dominic, anyone who crossed his path became an unwilling participant in the storm of his emotion.

From Garrett's anger and frustration, he decided to kill anyone that came in his way taking them in an alley and slashing them until they bled dead.

As Garrett's frenzied search continued, he stumbled upon Dominic unexpectedly. There, in an alley, he found him huddled and shivering with fear. The sight of Dominic ignited a surge of relief and fury within Garrett. Without hesitation, he rushed to Dominic's side, engulfing him in a tight embrace. The weight of their separation and the dangers they had faced washed over them both, their emotions intertwining in a raw and intense moment.

As Dominic and Garrett reunited in the alley, their bodies pressed tightly together, the weight of their emotions hung thick in the air. Dominic's initial fear melted away, replaced by a wave of relief and security as he surrendered to Garrett's embrace. "Garrett," he whispered faintly, his voice trembling with emotion. "I was so scared. I didn't know what to do." Garrett's grip tightened, his heart pounding with a mixture of anger and devotion. "Dominic," he murmured, his voice laced with a touch of possessiveness, "You should have never left me like that."

Dominic, his voice tinged with remorse, whispered, "I'm so sorry, Garrett. I shouldn't have left like that." Garrett's gaze softened, a flicker of forgiveness passing through his eyes. He gently cupped Dominic's face, his touch tender yet determined. "You scared me," Garrett admitted, his voice a mix of vulnerability and protectiveness. "I need you close to me, Dominic. Please, don't ever disappear like that again."

Dominic nodded, his expression filled with understanding. "I promise," he responded earnestly. "I won't leave without letting you know."

Garrett's gaze darkened just slightly, a hint of possessiveness creeping into his voice. "Good," he replied, his grip tightening ever so slightly. "Because I won't let you go that easily. You're mine, Dominic."

In a swift motion, Garrett swept Dominic into his arms, cradling him close. "Hang onto me, Dominic," he whispered, his voice tinged with a mix of desire and possessiveness. Without a moment's hesitation, Garrett carried Dominic out of the alley, shielding him from the outside world. Their journey home was filled with a charged atmosphere, the intensity of their emotions palpable in the quiet night.

As they made their way back home, Garrett's embrace remained unyielding and protective, showcasing his unyielding devotion to Dominic's safety and wellbeing.

Once back at their home, Garrett gently settled Dominic on the soft cushions of the couch. He covered him with a warm blanket, a tender gesture that reflected his concern for Dominic's comfort. Then, without a moment's hesitation, Garrett headed towards the kitchen, a determined glint in his eyes. With focused dedication, he set about preparing a meal, carefully selecting ingredients that would nourish and satisfy Dominic's appetite. As the smells of the cooking food wafted through the air, Garrett's love and devotion were palpable in every step of the culinary process.

After a few minutes of sizzling and stirring, Garrett returned to the living room with a steaming plate of food. The aroma filled the air, appetizing and inviting. Garrett placed the plate gently in Dominic's lap, the gesture filled with care and affection. As Dominic began to savor the meal, a curious thought crossed his mind. He glanced up at Garrett and asked, "Where did you find the food? It tastes amazing."

Garrett smiled softly, a hint of pride in his voice. "I have a secret stash," he confessed. "It's stored in a safe place just in case of emergencies.

Dominic relished the meal, savoring each bite, while Garrett sat beside him, his arm gently draped around Dominic's shoulders. As the last morsel was devoured, they cuddled together on the couch, a feeling of contentment and safety washing over them. Their bodies intertwined, they focused on the movie, their hearts beating in sync.

The soft light from the television cast a warm glow over the room, creating a cozy and romantic atmosphere. They basked in the simple pleasure of being together, their love growing stronger with each passing moment.

As the movie continued to play, Dominic's eyelids grew heavy with fatigue. He leaned a little more heavily against Garrett, his body slowly succumbing to exhaustion. Noticing the change in Dominic's demeanor, Garrett tenderly scooped him up into his arms once more, cradling him against his chest.

With a gentle, loving touch, he replaced Dominic on the couch and carefully laid him down, ensuring he was comfortable. Garrett then leaned over and pressed a tender kiss to Dominic's forehead, a gesture of love and protection. Finally, Garrett returned to his own bedroom, closing the door behind him.

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