part 5 -

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Garrett and Dominic were both filled with intense emotions as they sat together on that small ledge, their hearts hammering in their chests. They had just experienced something terrifying, something that could have torn them apart, but instead, it had brought them even closer together.

As they began to come down from the shock of what had just happened, Garrett felt a strong urge to show Dominic just how much he loved him. The thought of losing Dominic made him feel like he couldn't breathe, so he needed to make sure that Dominic always knew just how precious he was to him.

Dominic, for his part, could feel the tension between them, the heat rising between their bodies. He knew that Garrett felt the same way he did, knew that he needed to show Garrett just how much he loved him too.

So, without a second thought, they both leaned in towards each other and their lips met. The feeling was like a fire spreading through their bodies, filling them with a desire that went deeper than anything they'd ever experienced before.

As they continued to kiss, Dominic's hand made its way up Garrett's body, coming to rest on the side of his face. Even with everything that had happened, in that moment, the only thing that mattered was being with Garrett, being with the one who he loved more than anything else in the world.

When they finally parted, they both felt like they were on top of the world. They were filled with a love that they knew would last a lifetime.

As they looked out over the horizon, they both knew that nothing in the world could ever come between them. They were bonded by a love that was stronger than death, and they were determined to make their bond last forever.

Suddenly, a wave of emotion flooded over Garrett, and he found himself unable to control himself. He pulled Dominic close and kissed him passionately, the intensity of his feelings overwhelming him. They held each other tightly as the sun set and the sky grew dark. The two of them could feel each other's heart beating against their chests, and they knew that nothing could ever tear them apart. They were bonded by love and nothing could change that.

The kiss ended, and the two boys were left gasping for breath, their hearts pounding wildly in their chests. They stared at each other for a moment, the sunset casting a warm glow over the scene. The two men were lost in the moment, their eyes locked on each other, their faces inches apart. Then suddenly, something caught Dominic's eye.
Dominic looked over to see a figure standing in the shadows, watching the two men. It was a woman, her face hidden in the darkness. She was still as a statue, her gaze fixed on the two men. The woman's presence seemed to chill the air, and both men felt a sudden chill run down their spines.

Dominic was taken aback by the woman's sudden appearance, and he started to step back. However, she suddenly rushed forward and grabbed him, pulling him into the shadows. The woman was strong, and she dragged him into the darkness, the moonlight barely illuminating the scene.

Garrett rushed forward, his heart pounding in his chest. He tried to pull the woman away from Dominic, but she was too strong. She was determined to have Dominic, and she would stop at nothing to get him. Garrett felt helpless, powerless to save Dominic.

Garrett rushed forward, his heart pounding in his chest. He tried to pull the woman away from Dominic, but she was too strong. She was determined to have Dominic, and she would stop at nothing to get him. Garrett felt helpless, powerless to save Dominic.

Garrett finally managed to pull the woman off of Dominic. He looked at her, and his heart stopped in his chest. It was his mother! He had never seen her like this before, and he was shocked to see her so violent and aggressive. She had been nothing but loving and caring towards him, and this new side of her was frightening.

Garrett was now filled with a deep rage, and he felt a sudden surge of jealousy and possessiveness. He didn't want anyone else to have Dominic, and he wanted Dominic to himself. He couldn't stand the thought of anyone else touching him, or even looking at him. He wanted to keep Dominic all to himself, and he would do whatever it took to make sure that happened.

Garrett was filled with a deep sense of rage and anger, and he couldn't control himself. He was blinded by jealousy and possessiveness, and he couldn't think clearly. In a moment of madness, he reached out and grabbed his mother by the neck, and with a swift, violent motion, he snapped her neck. He felt a surge of satisfaction as he watched her body crumple to the ground.

Garrett scooped up Dominic and rushed off to his mansion, holding him tightly against his body. He felt a rush of adrenaline and excitement, and he was filled with an overwhelming sense of power. He had done what he had to do, and now he would have Dominic all to himself. He was going to keep Dominic safe, and no one else would ever be able to touch him again.

Garrett took Dominic into his mansion and led him into his bedroom. He pushed Dominic up against the wall, their bodies pressing against each other as their lips met. Garrett's hands ran down Dominic's body, exploring every inch of him. The two men were lost in each other's touch, and their breathing grew heavy and quick.

Dominic was taken aback by Garrett's sudden aggression and possessiveness. He had never seen this side of Garrett before, and he was shocked by how much he wanted to keep him all to himself. He felt a surge of jealousy and anger, and he wanted to possess Dominic completely. Garrett was becoming more and more yandere, and he was ready to do whatever it took to keep Dominic for himself.

*a few minutes later they stopped and decided to cuddle dominic was so confused and flustered Garrett and dominic talked until a few hours went by and it was dinner time dominic was upstairs of the mansion trying to figure out what to make for dinner*

Garrett was sitting at the table, waiting for Dominic to come downstairs. He was already feeling impatient and irritated, and he couldn't stand the thought of Dominic being away from him for too long. He had to have him all to himself, and he couldn't bear the thought of anyone else touching him or even looking at him. Garrett was starting to become obsessed with Dominic, and he was ready to do whatever it took to make sure he stayed with him forever.

Dominic waited for Garrett's response, observing the conflicted emotions on his face. Finally, Garrett let out a heavy sigh and nodded. "Alright, you can go to the store. But promise me you won't be gone too long, Dominic," Garrett said, his voice filled with a mixture of disappointment and anticipation. "I can't bear the thought of being without you for too long." Dominic felt a mix of relief and apprehension. He acknowledged Garrett's request and agreed, "I promise, I'll be back as soon as I can."

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