Into the Well

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At the bottom of the well was what appeared to be water. Y/n and Gislaine fell through, floating in mid-air, just far enough to where they could not reach each other. A sparkle appeared on Y/n's chest; she touched it, confused. "What is this?" Others came onto her face and shoulders, as well as Gislaine's, both crying out. When they were covered, they turned into sparks that flew around, circling.


They landed on their hands at what appeared to be the bottom of a well, but much shorter.

"Are you alright?" Gislaine asked, pushing his hair back.

"Oh, I think so." Y/n looked through the plug beneath her, seeing that light was peering through. She waved her hand around it, noticing that it looked thicker. When she looked at Gislaine, she nearly screamed.

"What?!" But then he got a look at her, yelling, as well. She was still beautiful, but looked...uncanny.

"What happened to you?!"

"Me?! What happened to you?!"

"I...I don't know." She put her eye up to one of the holes, peeking through to a rainy night. "It was daytime when we left..."

Gislaine crawled over and took her place, removing the plug so that he could climb out, somehow ending up going up instead of down. When he was out, he reached down to help Y/n up, her dress getting stuck in the gutter. Gislaine took her by the waist and pulled, the skirts flying into his face until he set her down. They looked around at the bright lights on billboards, sirens piercing through the air, until a car stopped short in front of them, honking. "Oh!"

"Get outta the street!"

She picked up her dress and ran, Gislaine in front of the multitude of cars that nearly hit them to protect her. One nearly hit her, Y/n stopping to scream with her hands up, the car stopping short and being rammed by a taxi, shattering the headlights. Gislaine pulled her away before a car could hit her.

Not seeing where she was going, Y/n tripped over her dress and fell into a vendor's stand, knocking it over. "Whoa! Lady, are you crazy?! Now you have to pay for all this!"

"I'm sorry!" Gislaine helped her up before the man could hurt her, the crowd pulling them both away. "Excuse me!" she called. "Could one of you please point us in the direction of the castle?! Oh!" A tiny person had gone under her dress, pushing it away.

Gislaine pulled him back quite harshly. "Sir, that's not a place for you!"

But Y/n looked relieved to see him, her hands clasped to her chest. "Grumpy!"

He brushed off his suit, looking at her confused and a little offended. "Jeez, lady, are you for real?"

"Um..." She looked at her hands again, not sure how to answer. "I think so?" But the man was already walking away and they were being pulled in the opposite direction, getting separated in the process. "Wait, please, we just need to get to the castle! We're you be wedded and - oh!" she cried again, being pushed down a set of stairs. "Gislaine!"

"I'm here, my love!" He rushed through the crowd, knocking people over and reaching out, grabbing her hand just as they were put on a subway.


The street that they got to was a lot less crowded. They held onto the railings and each other's arms. Once they got up, Y/n looked around helplessly, weakly calling out, "Edward...? Oh..."

"Perhaps there's a map." Gislaine looked around, then gave her arm a tight squeeze. "Stay here, my love. I'm going to see the quickest route back to the castle."

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