Happy Working Song

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"Alright, let's close it up."

The construction workers closed the drain that Gislaine and Y/n had come out of. It immediately came off with Prince Edward popping out of it with his hands on his hips, landing perfectly, the workers crying out in surprise.

"Whoa, buddy, you ain't -"

"Silence!" he demanded, sharply turning to face them.

"Guys, I got it." One of the workers began to approach, but Edward pressed the sword against his throat.

He pulled his sword out of its sheath and pointed it at the man. "Your name, peasant. Quickly!"

His hands were thrown up, mouth trying to work. "Arty," he finally managed to say.

"Are you in league with the wicked old hag who sent my poor Y/n and her Gislaine to this foul place...Arty?" Pip flew out of the sewer into Edward's glove as he gripped him. "Is this man party to the evil plot, chipmunk?"

Pip tried to answer, but was only able to squeak, Arty watching in mild fear, but mostly confusion. Pip cleared his throat and tried again, but still nothing. "Uh-oh..."

Edward only laughed a 'hmm'. "Poor chipmunk. Speechless in my presence." With another cold look, he pushed Arty against a car, the sword at his throat. His chin jutted over the sword. "I warn you, sir, don't test my patience."

"What are you talking about?"

He took his eyes off Arty to address the other worker. "I seek a beautiful girl. My other half. The one I can't forget; the answer to my true duet."

"I'd like to find one of 'dem, too," was all that Arty could think you say, his hands still out.

Seeing that he was harmless, Edward put his sword back and gave him a pat on the shoulder. "Then keep a weary eye out, Arty." He ran off, letting Arty off the car, his hand at his throat. "Come along, Pip!"

The others crowded around him, checking for wounds. "Are you okay?"

"Get off the car!" someone shouted as Edward jumped on top of them to get across the street.

"Did you see that chipmunk?"


Gislaine was already up before Y/n with a bowl of cereal at the table. When she saw him, he waved, explaining, "The kitchen was too messy and I was hungry. It's not bad. Kind of like dry porridge."

She did, in fact, see the kitchen, as well as the rest of the combined room. "And you didn't think to clean for them?" she asked sternly.

"Aren't...women usually the ones to do that?"


Awkwardly, he spooned another bit of dry cereal and put it in his mouth.

"We're both going to clean. Finish your breakfast. I'll get some help." She opened the window and began to echoing call, which rang out between the buildings.

Ah ah ah ah ah
Ah ah ah ah ah
Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah

A bird wacked into the window Gislaine had walked past, startling him into a yell and falling onto the ground.

"Oh, my!" Y/n opened the window to let the bird in. "Are you alright?"

"Yes, love, I'm fi -" But he saw her holding the bird, cooing at it. "What am I, an ogre?"

The bird flew off her hands so that she could help Gislaine up. With a warning look, she answered, "No, you're misogynistic."

He held up his hands in defense, trying to explain. "I'm sorry! I just...never saw a boy clean before. Except me, but..." His face fell farther, as well as his hands. "I was alone..."

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