Chapter Six

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Idella hums as she plaits her hair, Genevieve walking in with a bunch of flowers "Look what's just arrived for you

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Idella hums as she plaits her hair, Genevieve walking in with a bunch of flowers "Look what's just arrived for you." she smiles. "Who are they from?" Idella asks in confusion. "I don't know. Maybe Arthur?!" Genevieve tells her. Idella goes slightly red, Genevieve smiling "I'll put them in some water for you." she tells her, taking the flowers to the side. "Thank you, Gen." Idella tells her, going back to her hair.

That night, Idella lies in bed as Genevieve puts the candles out "See you in the morning

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That night, Idella lies in bed as Genevieve puts the candles out "See you in the morning." Genevieve tells her. "Goodnight, Gen." Idella smiles. "Goodnight." Genevieve responds, leaving the room. Idella soon falls asleep, a bug climbing out of the flowers and onto her bed before making its way up and into her ear.

The next morning, Genevieve walks in and opens the curtains "Good Morning, Idella." she smiles. Getting no response, she turns round to see Idella still asleep "Idella?" she asks, going over and gently shaking the blonde. Not getting a response again, she shakes her a bit more "Idella? Wake up." she says, the Princess not moving or responding. Genevieve runs to the door, spotting a guard "Get Gaius, the Princess is ill." she tells him. The guard nods, running off. Gaius soon arrives, beginning to check Idella over "Idella? My Lady, can you hear me?" he asks, not getting a response. Arthur runs in, his Father soon following with Merlin "Gaius? What's wrong with her?" Arthur asks. "I'm not sure, I'll have to run some tests." the physician responds. Arthur looks at Idella, anxiety evident on his face.

The next day Arthur sits next to Idella's bed with her hand his his, having not left since the morning before. Gaius examines Idella again "Her body seems to have closed down." he tells them. "Why? You don't have an answer do you? Nothing you've tried so far has worked. It's been nearly two days. And what do you know?" Uther asks. "I fear she may have some form of inflammation of the brain." Gaius responds. "What could cause such a thing?" Arthur asks. "An infection, possibly, rest assured, I will do everything in my power to cure her, Sire." Gaius tells them, walking out. Uther also leaves, Arthur gently rubbing patterns onto the back of Idella's hand with his thumb "Please wake up, Idella. I need you to wake up." he tells her. Merlin walks in "Is there anything I can get you?" he asks Arthur. The Prince doesn't respond, Merlin staying to the side incase Arthur needs anything.

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