Chapter Eight

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Idella talks to Morgana, Gwen and Genevieve in her chambers when Merlin runs in, a dark haired boy with him "Have you forgotten how to knock, Merlin?!" Idella asks

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Idella talks to Morgana, Gwen and Genevieve in her chambers when Merlin runs in, a dark haired boy with him "Have you forgotten how to knock, Merlin?!" Idella asks. "The guards are after him. I didn't know what to do." Merlin explains hurriedly. "My Lady? My Lady?" a guard asks, knocking on the door. "In there." Idella tells him, motioning to behind the screen. Waiting until they are hidden, Idella opens the door "I'm sorry to disturb you, My Lady. We're searching for a young Druid boy. We believe he came this way." the guard tells Idella. "I haven't seen anyone. It's just me, the Lady Morgana and our maids." Idella responds. "Best keep the door locked till we find him." the guard tells her. "Of course. Thank you." she responds, closing the door. Rushing over to the screen, Idella and Morgana find Merlin with his hand covered in the now unconscious boy's blood.

The boy soon wakes up, Idella standing at her window with Morgana and Merlin as the boy's Father is executed "People of Camelot, the man before you is guilty of using enchantments and magic. Under our law, the sentence for this crime is death. We're still searching for his accomplice. Anyone found harbouring the boy is guilty of conspiracy, and will be executed as a traitor. Let this serve as a warning to your people." Uther says, standing on the balcony with Arthur. "You have let your fear of magic turn to hate. I pity you." the boy's Father tells him. "I can't watch this." Idella says, walking away and going to comfort the boy. Sitting on the floor, she cradles the boy to her chest. Morgana soon also walks away from the window, joining her. As the boy's Father is executed, Idella's mirror breaks.

Idella sits tending to the boy as Morgana lets Merlin in "How is he?" Merlin asks. "He's sleeping. He's very pale. I worry he may have lost a lot of blood." Morgana responds. "Has he said anything at all?" Merlin asks, walking over to the screen with Morgana. "Nothing. He won't even tell us his name." Idella responds. "You know, er, for a moment there earlier, I- I thought you were going to hand us over to the guards." Merlin stammers. "I'm glad you have so much faith in us, Merlin." Morgana tells him. "No, no, sorry. Erm, I meant, you're both the King's wards. You're taking a huge risk helping the boy." he explains. "I wouldn't see an innocent child executed. What harm has he ever done anyone?" Idella asks, gently brushing the boy's hair out his face. "Uther believes he has magic, and that makes him guilty." Merlin responds. "Uther's wrong." Morgana tells him, Idella nodding. "You believe that?" Merlin asks. "What if magic isn't something you choose? What if it chooses you? Why are you looking at me like that?" Idella asks him. "Nothing." he responds. "Why are you helping him?" Morgana asks. "It was a spur of the moment decision. What do you think we should do with him? He can't stay here." Merlin tells them. "We have to find a way to get him back to his people." Idella responds.

" Idella responds

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