An Unexpected Reunion

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(Angel's POV)

I felt tears prick the corners of my eyes as I looked at the pink female spider, who was almost identical to me. I could see worried expressions on Cherri and Husk's faces, but my attention remained fixed on her.

This can't be! I thought, my heart threatening to break free from my chest. Molly is with Ma in Heaven, where she belongs. She can't be Molly! She just can't! But as I looked into her magenta eyes, I somehow knew that she was.

I started waking toward her and realized the fear that was behind her eyes. I stopped when I was roughly five feet in front of her. I now had to look down at her as she was about a foot shorter than me. I tried to steady my heavy breathing, but to no avail. I simply kept eye contact with her and said:


Tears fell down her face as she replied:

"Hey, Tony." She waited a moment before continuing. "I know that it has been so long since I've seen you. I don't even know if you want to see me, but I-"

I cut her nonsense short by wrapping her in a tight embrace. At this point, we were both sobbing as we held each other. I only broke the embrace to look at her beautiful face and hold it in one of my hands.

"Mi sei mancanto tanto," I said, smiling while tears continued to stream down my face.

"Anche tu mi sei mancato, più di quanto tu possa immaginare," She replied, returning the smile and wiping the tears from our faces.

She pressed her forehead against mine, and we each closed our eyes, taking in the others' presence. I never thought I'd see my twin sister again unless I got redeemed.

"Um, excuse me. I hate to break up this tender moment, but what's going on?" Charlie asked, causing Molly and I to stand up straight and then look at one another.

She took a deep breath and then nodded at me, smiling. I did the same before turning to everyone. They all looked somewhat confused, and Cherri was glaring at Molly.

"I know that you're all confused, but..." I trailed off. Molly grabbed my hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze, accompanied by another smile. I took one more deep breath before continuing. "This is my twin sister, Molly."

Their looks of confusion quickly turned to shocked expressions. No one spoke, and for a moment, awkward silence filled the air. Then Charlie's bottled up excitement exploded.

"OH MY GOSH! I HAD NO IDEA THAT YOU HAD A TWIN SISTER, ANGEL!" She squealed, tears pricking the corners of her eyes. "THIS IS AMAZING! I'M SO HAPPY YOU'VE FOUND EACH OTHER AGAIN!" She hugged us both, now sobbing.

I awkwardly patted her back while Molly rubbed it comfortingly. She was always better at consoling people than I was.

"Ok, babe. Let then have some space," Vaggie said, taking Charlie in her arms.

"It's just so beautiful, Vaggie!"

"I know, I know," She replied, patting her girlfriend's back. "She'll be alright, just give her a few minutes," She said to Molly. "It's good to see Angel reunited with a family member and welcome to the hotel, Molly, uh, Spectra?" Vaggie seemed unsure what to call her.

"Spectra is fine. Maybe once I get to know you all better, you can start calling me Molly, but Spectra's fine for now."

Vaggie nodded and led Charlie to a nearby couch to help calm her down a bit. I then turned to Molly, who was examining the hotel and the rest of the demons in front of her.

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