Chapter 02

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The morning came so fast. Suddenly, there was sunlight hitting him directly on the face. Melatonin and alcohol were not a good combination, but it still knocked him out the whole night. So that was good. "Wake up. Shower and have breakfast. I'll give you 45 minutes. Wear something light because the stylist will be there ready with everything."

Fang Duobing was not used to this kind of ordering around. Plus, why is this guy invading his personal space like this?!.... Then again, XiaoBao knew not to argue with him anyway. This guy exudes authority and has a bit of 'F**k around and find out' sort of vibe. 'Eeeehhhrrrggg....' shivered XiaoBao. He silently got up and went to the bathroom. He brushed his teeth and took a warm shower, then came out. He found a matching set of Under Armour tight shorts and a baggy T shirt. Putting them on, he found a baby blue pair of socks. Since his small days, he loved baby blue. Anything light blue powder blue he loved so much. Half of his closet has everything light blue and baby blue.

XiaoBao was surprised to see the warm plate of food and the tall glass of orange juice on the table. He was very hungry. So he sat down and started eating. Right at that time, Li Lianhua walked in, but without making any noise, he silently observed this new specimen. Fang Duobing is very handsome, but he has this very naive babyish aura around him. Then again, he can be very unruly if you don't show him who's the boss. Bit like a Japanese Shiba-Inu. Li Lianhua smirked at that thought. He liked this one. If he didn't, he had already found a loophole to drop the contract. Also, this familiar feeling he has around this guy is weird. It's like he knew him soooo close and well in another life. And what's with his dreams and visions...?... Are they similar to his dreams?...

While he was thinking all this, XiaoBao had finished his breakfast and stood up from the table. This broke the line of thinking for Li Lianhua. He immediately collected himself and smiled at XiaoBao. "Alright, take your essentials, and let's go." Fang Duobing was very obedient. This baffled not only Li Lianhua but also Fang Duobing himself. While following behind Li Lianhua, he felt that this act of following him was too familiar to him. For some reason, he knew well that he had never met this guy in his life. He looked a few years older than him, too. So who is he....?!....

When they got to the location, it was already busy. Li Lianhua immediately took XiaoBao to the stylist. He entered the room along with XiaoBao and closed the door. The stylist gave a weird look. Usually, Fang Duobing comes in alone and gets the things done by himself.. Fang Duobing was already getting used to this new shadow. He was smiling ear to ear. Something is very wrong. But now is not the time to ponder on such things. Stylist immediately got to work....

The shoot ran smoothly. All the shots were good. It was a very productive few hours and ended pretty early, too. So Li Lianhua got XiaoBao into the car and said, "Di Feisheng wants to meet us. So we are headed to the company. If you need to go somewhere or want to shop, let me know."

"Can we get ice cream later? I want ice cream. Also, I want to send some flowers to my mom."

Li Lianhua nodded his head and drove silently. Suddenly, XiaoBao's head started ringing again... Visions passed in front of his eyes... he was running... and he has a sword. A man in red and black hanfu with a sword telling him something..... vision changed. XiaoBao with a woman.. She was patting his head... "Fang Duobing... Fang Duobing... what's wrong... XiaoBao... are you alright?" There was someone calling to him. The voice was very familiar. Who was that... Aaahhhh... the head was gonna split open... that's how he felt.

The visions stopped. He's back in the car. Li Lianhua's worried face appeared in front of him. What's happening? Am I now having the dreams as visions...? In the broad daylight?..... He was panicking... "Hey.. Hey... calm down... everything is okay... calm down. "...

That voice was Li Lianhua's.. He was talking... ooookay... So it was him who was calling him in the distress.... but still, there was some kind of familiarity. He was unable to describe it. But he knew for sure that something was not right.. "I'm okay.. I'm... I'm... alright.. don't worry... let's go. "... Li Lianhua restarted the car and started driving... When they arrived at the company, Fang Duobing felt a little relaxed. He opened the door and got out. Riding the elevator up to Di Feisheng's office, he was thinking of these visions... what's wrong with him.. why did these memories sort of visions suddenly start manifesting...?

Li Lianhua opened the door to Di Feisheng's office and gestured XiaoBao to go in first. The moment he walked in, he didn't see Di Feisheng, who was wearing a smart an expensive suit... XiaoBao saw him in a red and black hanfu. Suddenly, he took a step back. And blinked several times. Then he saw Di Dumb Face in a suit. As we say these days... it's a glitch in the matrix... right....? Even as he thought this, he also knew it sounded far-fetched.

He was a new and upcoming model in a small company once. Di Feisheng scouted him out one day and plucked him right off his company and made him the face of his model company. It was like a dream. At that time, XiaoBao didn't think too much of it. All he knew was that he was famous and richer than before.... But also... Also... there was this weird feeling about Di Feisheng.... He felt so familiar with him for some reason.

 He felt so familiar with him for some reason

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